Theatrical releases
Theatrical releases are still traditionally released in theatres first and only for their premieres right?
When movie studios release new films, they're traditionally released in theaters first, then VOD, then premium outlets like hbo and whatever else and then other outlets right?
They aren't released straight to VOD first and only, and are just released to the public like that and are done to fuel digital consumption?
I ask this due to thinking some films I've been seeing online have been films I've seen advertised in ads on tv for premiere releases, and they seem to be available online for downloading or streaming and haven't ever been released in theatres or haven't been as if traditional theatre viewing is obsolete or something. Maybe I'm imagining things, but I think that's what's been happening.
I think the timeline from theatre to VOD is a few months or something, but maybe it's been shortened due to coronavirus, or eliminated, or I don't know what I've been thinking about.
What's been happening, and how are new premieres traditionally released from studios?
Like the ones that would formally be theatrical releases as premieres?