Sweetie, I tried to explain that to you last night. Relationships and dating have nothing to do with race. If you say white girls seem trashy for dating black guys, that implies it isn’t trashy to date white guys. To stereotype people as “ghetto” types is wrong. The ghetto is a low income area. Not every black man that lives in the ghetto is a drug dealer or criminal. Having money says nothing about character. I’ve met “normal suburban middle class guys” that are immoral scumbags. To say the only logical reason to date black men is their dicks, you are saying white men are preferable to date. It also implies that, aside from dick size, black men have no good qualities.
I really do appreciate you asking me this. You might not have meant any of those things, but that’s how it came across to me.
My personal connection is my experience living in Atlanta. Many of the white folk there have a deep hatred for blacks and consider them inferior, the lowliest of humans. Many of my friends live in the ghetto, and they treat me as family. My friends are beautiful souls and would do anything for me. People don’t live in the ghetto because they are criminals, bad people, lazy... they have just been dealt a different hand in life.
I know the media is shoving racism down everyone’s throats, it annoys the shit out of me too. But I think it’s important for people to know that racism is still a huge problem in certain parts of our country.
Generalizations about people and races are unfair. We are all human. We are all individuals. To me, the only important thing is a persons character.
Again, I do appreciate you taking the time to ask. ✌️