I think there are two reasons this comes across as trashy. One is that they are almost always the “ghetto” types who sell dime bags and have mixtapes at best, and actually are delinquents/criminals at worst. They are never normal, suburban middle class guys.
Secondly, seemingly the only logical reason a girl would “prefer” or exclusively date black guys is because they are rumored to have bigger dicks. There is literally no other race that girls exclusively date with any kind of consistency, nothing like this phenomenon.
It probably doesn’t help that these girls are almost all trashy themselves, tramp stamps, chain smoking, single moms under 30.
First of all, most chicks don't like big penises, they really don't. Back in the day in the '70s
I think a lot of people back then didn't like a white girl with a black guy. Today it's accepted.
Also, maybe blacks have better dime bags than whites?
Lol, girls definitely like big dicks. Not sure where you heard that. I’m talking above average, like 7-9” not John Holmes horse cocks. Look at dildos. The type I described definitely doesn’t have good weed, they have brick weed.
Someone who posts stuff for the sole purpose of provoking others or inciting controversy, rather than to address a point or engage in a meaningful discussion which is clearly the basis of 99% of my posts. Only a fucking idiot would confuse the two, apparently there are many or just people who try to dismiss anything they find uncomfortable or disagreeable as a troll post.
It doesn’t bother me at all. Maybe those women are only attracted to black guys. It’s none of my business who they date. I don’t think it is fair to make assumptions or generalizations about the black men they date or the women themselves. Calling people trashy isn’t very nice and doesn’t help or benefit anyone.
Maybe you should read my OP. I was very specific about the demographic I am describing and it doesn’t sound like you fit into it so if I didn’t personally offend you who exactly are you defending, drug dealers or whores?
Buff, is there anything in life of which you approve? All you do is bitch, whine, and complain.
Forgive me if I sound rude, but YOU put yourself out there with your every post. When you post in a public forum, you have to expect replies and reactions.
Otherwise, you should keep a private journal for your eyes only. In fact, you'd be better off doing that. 🙄
How lonely are you? You are always seeking attention. Drama queen much? That or you’re just a troll seeking thrills. Either case you come off as a very lonely person. Get a dog dude it will change your life!
There is way too much to bitch about to not call it out, sorry if you don’t like it
The point is NOT what I like. The point is that you come across as a very negative and unhappy person. You reap what you sow. Don't blame me for how you come across. How you come across is only too clear.
I told you long ago that you always sound like you're looking for attention with your myriad nonsensical rants. Other's have made the same observation. And, you deny it.
There are no answers for you. As I said, keep a bitch book, and spare the rest of us your neuroses.
Wow. You say a lot of dumb shit most of the time, but the statements you just made are completely false, obscenely moronic, incredibly offensive, and horribly destructive stereotypes. I don’t know if you actually believe this horseshit or if you’re trying to get a rise out of people, but either way, what you are saying is hateful and sick.
You admit to everyone on a regular basis that you can’t get laid. You strike out constantly, yet somehow you know what females think and are an expert on what we want.
Fact#1 females don’t want you. We are immediately repulsed by your dismissive and degrading attitude you have towards the opposite sex. You talk about us like we’re fuck machines. Women are very good at reading a man’s intentions, and can always tell when a guy has low-quality meat from the bargain bin, and a brain off the clearance rack at big lots.
If you are turned off because a ladies preference is black men, you are a racist, and more than likely insecure about what you are lacking.
Then you make the idiotic statement that all black men that date white women are ghetto and trashy?! Where the fuck are you getting this information from? Seriously, where do you live? Nebraska? Oklahoma? A frat house? How many white girls do you know that date black guys? Let me teach you some truths you small minded suckerfish.
In Atlanta, the majority of normal middle class suburban men are black. There are also plenty of rich, upper class black men. There are also poor black men that live in the ghetto. People date who they are attracted to. People date for shared common interests. Some guys prefer blondes, some gals are into beefcake gymbo. You brought race into the equation for no reason! To say white trashy girls always love black drug dealers straight out of prison makes you sound so uninformed and clueless, it’s like you’re from another planet, or a fucking cave. I really want to know how you came up with this bullshit.
Your intense, emotionally charged and spiteful response tells me everything I need to know. Particularly the part where you emphasized how you know women don’t want me and are repulsed by me, which couldn’t be further from the truth. I get plenty of attention, I’m just not a closer. Clearly struck a personal cord w you, chill out. I never said ALL black men who date white women are ghetto, learn to read rather than hear what you want or what fits YOUR narrative and stereotypes of racist white guys.
I’m furious because it breaks my heart that people believe this shit. I just can’t understand how you can think the only logical reason a girl would prefer a black guy is because of his dick. Can’t you hear how hateful and demeaning that sounds? I know people will always have a difference of opinions, but when the opinion is one man is inferior to another it genuinely hurts me.
You did also say that white girls that date black guys are trashy. As if dating a black guy is inferior to dating a white man. Maybe you aren’t meaning to come off this way, but your words are hurtful, and your statements are false.
Honestly, I’ve heard you trash and degrade females before. It’s whatever, another sexist male. I could give a fuck if you get laid.
I do wish at some moment, you would sit quietly and reread what you wrote. We don’t have to agree at all, but maybe you could try to understand how your words come across. I’m emotionally charged, absolutely. As a white girl from Atlanta, I know how disgustingly hateful people are. People constantly drop the n word around me, thinking it’s acceptable because I’m white. We’ve all had different experiences, but I’m done with the superior white man narrative.
There is no superior white man narrative here, and everything I said is mostly true. Just because you like black men doesn’t mean YOU are trashy, but most of those girls are. Just my experience.
Everything you said is complete bullshit and based on your small world. You have no idea what my type of man is, and I certainly don’t need you to assure me that I’m not trashy.
Lost fucking cause. I tried.
You think YOUR worldview and experience are the norm? 60% of African Americans live in the south, and the highest concentration in Atlanta. I can assure you they aren’t. The diversity of women who “prefer” black men does not exist in the Midwest or anywhere else for that matter. Are there plenty of women who find black men more attractive that don’t fit this description? Absolutely. But it’s not the norm in my experience.
Brohymen, I don’t even know what the fuck you’re talking about or what the fuck your pointless point is.
Too much meat... it has created the ultimate meathead