Millenials will never have a Stanley Kubrick
The Greatest generation had- John Ford, Orsen Wells
The Boomers had- Stanley Kubrick, Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorecese.
Gen X had- Quintin Tarentino, The Coen Brothers.
I submit that the Millenials will have no director of the caliber of the previous three.
Millenials, before you jump down my throat, I am a Xer, and I really appreciate some of the things your sensible generation has accomplished. McDonald's food is actually not as bad for you as it was in the 80's, your commitment to making the earth a more sustainable and compassionate place really puts my cynical generation to shame.
However, your generations tendency to be hyper-critical about EVERYTHING is doing you a major disservice in the movie field.(Mojo's 'Ten things wrong with' seems to be a big hit) Budding young directors of your generation are just getting POUNDED for doing something creative.
Not all of it is the Millenials fault, new technology, giving everyone access to bitch about EVERYTHING is making movies today more homogeneous then ever.
I hope the dynamic changes soon...