MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Bad news, I’m not done with Covid 19

Bad news, I’m not done with Covid 19

On the weekend, with my taste and smell back, I thought the worst was behind me. I figured that the joint and bone pains would go soon.

But now my sense of smell and taste are fading again.

Along with the bone pains, I’ve now got numb/tingly patch on the back of my neck.

I started reading a medical article ( )and the virus can enter the brain and cause neurological damage.

I’m worried it will screw up my body.


That sounds scary. What does your doctor say?


I'll be seeing a neurologist.


Wow, you must be quite the case study.


I'm sorry you're still dealing with this. It sounds awful. This is a very scary part of Covid-19 - all these other things that are cropping up. There's just so much that medical science doesn't know yet about Covid-19. I've read about the blood clots, damage to other organs such as the kidneys, and now there's the problem with "Covid toe" that doctors are seeing in some children.


That's a cool story you made up as usual, now give it a rest please.


Why is he making it up?


Why do you pretend to be a Christian ?


Why would I pretend?


Good old Billy " Stonewall " Slater.


At least back up your accusations instead of resorting to your old favourite Ad Hominems. Quasi.


We are not engaged in an argument on a particular topic. I'm saying you are not who you pretend to be so "ad hominem" is unavoidable. Billy.


Who am I then?


Try looking in your wallet.


What´s your rationale for me pretending to be a Christian? How do I benefit from that, on here of all places?


Why do trolls do what they do ? Why do people who are up to no good do what they do ? How do they benefit from that ? Why did they infest the IMDb message boards ? What did they get out of doing that ? Did someone put them up to it ? What does it all mean ? How did it come to this ?

Did I leave anything out ?


You think I evangelized on MC to troll people? If I were a troll I would have a history of trolling people. I have never trolled anywhere in my life especially not MC. I engage with people predominantly about movies on here, sometimes in GD but for whatever reason I felt compelled to share the gospel on MC about my Lord and Saviour.
Trolls usually verbally abuse people and use ad hominems. I have disagreements with people here but I never abuse them, or name call, You might think I´m a troll but by definition you are more of a troll than I am.


Because he's Christian Slater?


boom tish !


I read vitamin D is important in fighting covid-19. Make sure you're not deficient. Talk to your doctor about a supplement and your oxygen level being monitored.

I don't understand the fools who think this virus is a walk in the park and stupidly believe everyone should get it to open the economy.

Good luck!


As I understand it the people in favour of lifting the lockdown say that the damage to the economy of a "no end in sight" lockdown will be so great that lifting it would be the lesser of two evils. And also unless the scientists come up with a vaccine or some effective medications within a reasonable timeframe then the pressure to lift the lockdown will become irresistible and then the infection rate will just take off again and it will be back to square one. So all the lockdown does is to delay the inevitable while wrecking the economy at the same time. A lose/lose situation.

PS: I have just about recovered from having a moderate dose of Covid-19 that got into my lungs and I have always eaten butter ( a good source of vitamin D ) on my bread and toast every day for what it's worth.


"no end in sight" lockdown"

That's your over-imagination. Even epicenters like New York, New Jersey and Italy have begun to reopen.

Worrying about the economy is above your pay grade. If you're working now or have six months of savings then you should relax more. Let the medical experts and government do their jobs. Open the economy safely.

BTW, you may believe opening the economy will miraculously restore normalcy. Sorry, but the economy will likely take years to come back. Corporations will not rehire everyone they furloughed. People will not rush back into movie theaters and sports arenas.

"I have just about recovered"
The first or second time? Sometimes the virus becomes worst after it appears to be going away.



Stop trolling. Scroll up and read the headline of this thread.


Well someone deleted my post because it wasn't me.


"'Weird as hell’: the Covid-19 patients who have symptoms for months

Garner refers to himself wryly as a member of the “Boris Johnson herd immunity group”. This is the cluster of patients who contracted Covid-19 in the 12 days before the UK finally locked down. He assumed his illness would swiftly pass. Instead it went on and on.

Each time Garner thought he was getting better the illness roared back."


I think i have covid too. Finding it hard to breathe for the last week. The new coronavirus and anxiety share shortness of breath as a symptom. ... closed,” Dr. Castriotta says, which can make it harder to breathe normally.


as a symptom. ... closed ?

Dr Castriotta ?






( ⊙‿⊙)


Yes, another troll. The board is getting to have quite a population of them. Nasty little shit bags too.


Strange way of putting the title of the thread

Bad news, I'm not done with Covid 19

wouldn't you say " Bad news, Covid 19 is not done with me " ?
