
Do you believe peace exists and can be slightly or greatly distorted.... or that you have to find peace. like it is a place. or that you will have a greater pure peace in this place.

tell me what you think it is. Peace.



Tell me young man, what do you want out of life?

I want peas

Oh, we all want peace, but it's always just out of reach. So, what's the best way to get peace?

With a knife

Exactly! Not with the olive branch, but the bayonet. Ah, Simpson, you're like the son I never had.

And you're like the father I never visit.







Peace embodies where I am right now. For me anyway.


what about if i embody peace myself..... not the place but me


Cool. A little hard to bask in it tho ;-)
So... do you?


i do i like to embody things such as truth, strength and love.


Me too. I try. I'm not always successful, but that's okay. I'm human, I'm Supposed to make mistakes.
If I can't tell you the truth, you'll still know by my silence.
I'm a rock for people when it's needed, but just as content to sit in the stream as life goes by.
I love the people who deserve it and don't give my love away foolishly. I'd be nice to have a little for me ;)


yes well you know with in yourself YOU are truth. not others interpretations of your truth. silence does speak i should not always expect people to tell me every fine detail about their lives, some things are personal ... but it is good to talk to others at times and process, send the light of the situation through another medium - communication. you can communicate through art, through music though. some things are best left in the past this is true.


Honestly, tho... it's gorgeous here. So incredibly beautiful. You'd like it.
I am just a little biased πŸ˜€


the past or where you are?


Right here in heaven ;-)


aw well Cruz you know it


i love Latin affirmations look at this in one...

sum verum, vires, tace et amo.

I am truth, strength, peace and love.

Embody it, all for it, do it yourself even.


I don't know what peace really is but I'm glad I have it!


who knows the water it can be calm or storming but there is still peace.
