Do You Personally Know Anyone With Coronavirus?
I'm just curious if everyone has been touched by it, yet.
My answer: yes
I'm just curious if everyone has been touched by it, yet.
My answer: yes
A good friend of my parents have a daughter who got it.
I live in a county that's been hit pretty hard. We've got several meat packing plants here, and they have been hot spots. Fortunately no one I know well has gotten it yet.
This is similar to my experience, except I don't know anyone who has it. But my county is #2 in the state, which is a surprise because we're not in the major metro area. But we do have meat packing plants, so add them to senior care homes and there you go.
shareYes - two former coworkers - one has a brother who was hospitalized and has recovered and another one had a mother in law who unfortunately passed away from it. One lives on Long Island and the other in Massachusetts.
sharejust one. she's in a senior's home. so far so good.
sharemy sister was exposed, but she remained pretty much asymptomatic throughout.
lucky her, and maybe lucky me.
No confirmed cases, no.
shareNot personally, no.
My mom is a dialysis nurse and some of her patients have caught it.