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      Interesting UFO case

The Hessdalen lights float slowly or move at high speed (8500 m/s) above the valley in Norway.

A yellow or white light. This is the most common description of the Hessdalen Phenomena. This light can stand still for more than an hour. It can move around slowly down in the valley, stop sometimes for minutes, start moving again. The shape is often round as a ball. Sometimes there are other shapes.

Usually in UFO sightings the evidence consists of eyewitness accounts, grainy photographs or fuzzy videos. This is one of the few cases to include actual scientific data. The spectrum, magnetic field, radio emissions and speed of the objects have been measured. They react when probed by a laser beam and show up on radar. There are also hours of film and video and plenty of photographs.

One explanation is the dusty plasma theory where radon decay ionizes the air and dust and produces crystals which produce the lights.

The piezoelectric theory says the spatial color distribution of the lights is produced by electrons accelerated by electric fields during rapid fracture of quartz crystals under the ground.

I'd say it's definitely some kind of plasma phenomenon. Or a buried Viking sunstone focuses cosmic rays in the valley.


So nobody is interested in UFOs and plasma physics. And crystals too.

Someone needs to catch one of these lights in a bag so that it can be examined with a microscope and mass spectrometer.


There are no aliens. But UFOs don't have to be extraterrestrials, it could be just a random unidentified flying object, probably somekind of military top secret spy drone or something.


I said nothing about aliens. These are actual Unidentified Flying Objects and have been seen in the area since at least the 1930s.

They are most likely of natural origin and since numerous attempts to explain the phenomenon have failed, I think yet unknown physical process is responsible.




I think it’s almost a certainty there is life elsewhere in the universe, but there’s almost as high of a chance that none have ever traversed the vast distances of space to visit us.



While this is highly informative, it's a lot for my brain to take in at one time. Here's some pretty cool info from a religious Christian source about extraterrestrials:

I think it is very interesting that the only planets we have been able to detect outside our solar system share two crucial characteristics:

1. They are gas-giants; so, intelligent terrestrial life, as we know it, is impossible in their environ.
2. They are so far away that it would take several years to reach the closest ones at half the speed of light.

Even if aliens could somehow get to us, we have no means of getting to them. The fastest speed which an unmanned human vehicle has been able to maintain was Mach 9, by the experimental NASA X-43A, which held that speed 10 seconds before breaking up.

Mach 9: 6 000 miles per hour, or 10 000 kilometres per hour.
The speed at which light travels in a vacuum: 670 000 000 mph, or 1 080 000 000 kph
Assuming that humanity could travel at the speed of light, getting to the closest star would be more than four years' journeying. Barnard's Star is 5 light years away, and Wolf 359 is 7 light years away. Considering the fact that material beings attempting to travel at that speed would theoretically experience a warped flow of time, it is conjectured that many more years would actually pass outside the actual chronology experienced by the travelers.

It is quite clear, to me, that God didn't intend us to travel too far beyond the boundaries of our own system. Perhaps it's in His plans after all, and we have many thousands of years to wait for Christ. Either way, we must overcome the crucial problem of distance, and the very important fact that human bodies, living without gravity, deteriorate without notice in a matter of days, unless constant exercise is kept up.

As to the extra-terrestrial intelligent life itself, only man is said to have a soul; yet, angels are technically extra-terrestrial, outside the earth, and they live and move and have their rational being in God. Angels are aliens, for all intents and purposes. If you mean simply material beings, there is the interesting fact that in Mark 16, Christ tells His disciples to preach the Gospel to "all creatures", not just all men.



Mark 16 (9-20) may not be inspired by God since it didn´t appear in the earliest manuscripts.
