Interesting UFO case
The Hessdalen lights float slowly or move at high speed (8500 m/s) above the valley in Norway.
A yellow or white light. This is the most common description of the Hessdalen Phenomena. This light can stand still for more than an hour. It can move around slowly down in the valley, stop sometimes for minutes, start moving again. The shape is often round as a ball. Sometimes there are other shapes.
Usually in UFO sightings the evidence consists of eyewitness accounts, grainy photographs or fuzzy videos. This is one of the few cases to include actual scientific data. The spectrum, magnetic field, radio emissions and speed of the objects have been measured. They react when probed by a laser beam and show up on radar. There are also hours of film and video and plenty of photographs.
One explanation is the dusty plasma theory where radon decay ionizes the air and dust and produces crystals which produce the lights.
The piezoelectric theory says the spatial color distribution of the lights is produced by electrons accelerated by electric fields during rapid fracture of quartz crystals under the ground.
I'd say it's definitely some kind of plasma phenomenon. Or a buried Viking sunstone focuses cosmic rays in the valley. share