So,my boss rang Thursday telling me not to come to work because they closed the building (I'm a cleaner),I got a txt message from one of the managers today saying all cleaning staff to come in on Monday,I mean wtf,?there's a deadly disease killing people and they want us to take the risk by cleaning an empty building?they said if we don't work then we won't get paid, putting us in a difficult position. Either lose our homes so we can't pay rent/bills or risk catching coronavirus,we won't even get paid hazard pay for this,plus I get the bus which is riskier for me,does this sound unfair to you?
Im a permanent worker,i work an hour away and yes i heard the cases are growing. It's not like I'm a doctor or nurse,I'm a cleaner,the government said they'd pay 80% wages but guess we don't count.
youll be right my mums a nurse goes to work everyday at the hosipital cause she has to to help, you have to clean an empty building man just chill. enjoy it. I get it everyone i know who has a salary job or a permanent job wants a free holiday, but me im casual so im happy to still be working during this shit till im not which hasnt happened for me yet thank god, but has happened for tonnes.
It seems like cleaning an empty building is one of the least risky jobs one could have. No people to worry about for airborne particles and surfaces you clean wearing gloves..But the bus is more risky by far. You should take special precautions there,
If you need the money wear gloves and sanitize away but isolate yourself on the bus and keep your hands washed and yourself aloof and don't touch your face..
Actually, if the building itself has been empty for days or weeks, the cleaning itself is low risk. They think the virus can stay alive on surfaces for 24 hours, so if nobody's been in there for 24 hours or more, it's probably as safe as anyplace. But taking the bus, yeah, that IS a problem. You don't have a bicycle, do you?
And BTW, I'd like to give a shout-out to the genuinely unsung heroes of the pandemic, the cleaners at hospitals. They're exposed to the same germs and risks as doctors and nurses, plus the toxic chemicals that are used to kill those germs, and for taking those risks they get much less pay than the doctors and nurses, and zero recognition.
yep, the cleaners and wardies,but also the nurses i mean most arent on good pay unless they are registered nurses, and none can where masks because they are all in short supply cause of panic buying.
Where I work, hospitals are almost entirely staffed by registered nurses. They're not rich but they earn decent pay, waaaay more than the cleaners and aides.
So a shout-out to them all, including the cleaners.
for sure rego nurses earn more , but if the cleaners quit there is tonnes of people eager to grab there job . im not saying they aint mad cunts but if all the nurses quit or decide to stop working cause they scared of the virus there is no one qualifiied to look after everyone. so it is different.
That's the problem with having a crisis blow up so quickly, it's almost impossible to sort out what's factual and what's internet rumors. With so much shoddy reporting and social media sending rumors ten times around the world before Truth can even begin to look for her shoes, there's a great deal of misinformation out there.
So speaking with all the authority of someone who took college microbiology 20 years ago, it seems unlikely that viruses could survive on surfaces for 17 days. Most viruses are fragile little things that need a living host to continue their existence.
Yeah, nothing has shown that transmission had occurred or was possible. Still interesting. Though, I truly have no idea how long something comparable would leave behind genetic material.
If the building is empty you should be fine. I have been working in an office environment all week under strict conditions and so far everything is fine.