Choose a movie for example, any movie will do. Go to the boards and you'll see people acting as if they're factually correct over an opinion and name-calling/hurling insults to try to make their point.
The same goes for anything, really. Any YouTube video will do as well. Music, film, sports...anything.
Anywhere people have the opportunity to interact.
If I was talking about a specific person (people), I would have included their names in my post for sure. I'm not much for ambiguity, tbh.
I have a theory that some of this extreme negative reaction business ( for instance the irrational and factually insupportable abuse hurled at Daisy Ridley over her performances as Rey in the Star Wars films ) is part of a deliberate and co-ordinated campaign to sow discord and disunity amongst the population in general.
An era where every idiot can immediately declare their opinions is a high speed path to public discord and destruction. Imagine a room containing every obnoxious opinionated loudmouth in the world and remove any semblance of order, now ask them what they think - about anything.
This is the internet.
Abject stupidity reigns supreme.
Humans as a group are no more intelligent than sheep. Dumb, panicky animals not to be trusted with their own lives. Mob mentality studies have proven this fact over and over.
I'm SO happy to be a loner lol.
Did you know that the male octopus during mating will sometimes get too amorous and try to mate with the female too many times and her response is to strangle him with her tentacles then take his body back to her den to feed on for days? That’s astounding.
yes, stay strong, 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me'... which implies that at some stage they probably will, on some level if not all ..anyway depends on what your opinion is - is the opinion in its self a name call ........or is it just a thanks Ma'am on the end of your opinion, decent or indecent or just the plain old 'truth' with 'reason' and 'knowledge' all round 'one's' likely to differ so differentiate if y0u will