MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What Movie or TV Show do you turn to whe...

What Movie or TV Show do you turn to when you feel ill to make yourself feel better?

The Title says it all.

For me it's Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated. (for TV Series) since I find the show hilarious when I am down in the dumps.

For Film it's probably 50% of made for TV horror films or The Big Lebowski.


Usually Star Trek.


Bottom (1991)
Dad's Army


Good topic!

My main medecine is That 70’s show: it got me through 3 broken hearts and a mourning for my Siberian husky I had for 13 years.

That and lots of white wine...




I see what you did there...


Movie: The Enchanted April. It's charm personified, with a great cast and great performances.

TV: Hmm, that's harder. Maybe Enlightened with Laura Dern, or Life with Damian Lewis. Or Dick van Dyke? Friends??


I really enjoyed Life, it was one of those short lived shows which had a number of great stand alone stories, it was nice that they were able to tie the story up by the end, but It could have done with a 3rd season, since it had a good cast and was a colourful detective show with a good overall premise.


I'm surprised to have found someone else who's seen Life. I agree, it had a good overall premise and started out great, with a bang. I was hooked. But little by little it lost its oomph and magic. From what I understand the problem was that's when the writers' strike happened and that's why the writing suffered.


The film that always cheers me up is Some Like It Hot.


One of my comfort movies:

The Searchers
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.


Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.
