The numbering system we use to number our years (Anno Domini), we moved from 1 B.C. straight into 1 A.D. There was no year zero, so a new decade won't actually start until 2021.
I'm personally gonna be glad to see this decade gone. It's been nothing but a disappointment overall, save for a few highlights.
- tv's gone to the dogs
- many movies have turned to shit
- PC is out of control
- social media proved without a doubt that 85% of humanity is irredeemably stupid, and getting stupider
- people in America are at each other's throats over stupid political ideologies
- the internet companies we all knew from the early 2000s have turned into greedy, evil digital empires
- many websites that were free in the last decade decided to screw people over when new blood came in and wanted to make a profit
- many sites we loved died
- the new generation coming in is very low-class and has no taste when it comes to culture in general
- the Alphabet people have taken over darn near everything
- many fashions from this decade look like crap
- people have turned into phone drones
I'm hoping the 2020s are better, but I'm not gonna hold my breath on it.
Because society has been dumbed down to the point that what is wrong is now accepted as being right. It was the same when 2000 was considered the start of a new century. It was too exciting to wait another year for.
2000 actually brought unexpected changes, to be honest, but nobody was aware of it for a few years. See, when it came about, people were actually asking "It's the Year 2000, where are the flying cars?" So it wasn't flying cars we got, it was a silent technological explosion that had been years in the making. Just one or 2 years later, everyone suddenly had cell phones (albeit, crappy ones, but still...). Computers and the internet started improving drastically as well. So changes came, just not the ones we expected.
I was in security and on nightshift awaiting the big collapse when the clocks ticked over from '99 to 2000, nothing happened except for fireworks. I was on the roof of the building watching. A silly place to be really if the shit did hit the fan but I guess I never bought into the hysteria.
Yep when I was a kid "2000" has this magical quality about it even though we realized we were already in the mid 80's and it was just 15 years away. There were lots of technology jumps of course but flying cars never happened.
I was 13 when 2000 came (chronologically 14, but my birthday wasn't for another 6 months), and I remember seeing fireworks in people's backyards, and people talked about it all day on tv, like how half the world celebrated first, people had babies being born, and then it was the West's turn.
I think of it like age I guess. I didn't say I was still in my 30s when I was 40. I consider decades from 0-9. With decimals we don't consider 1.9 and 2 to be part of the same whole number. Just like 9 centimetre is 9 but 10 centimetres is a decimetre. I'm not saying it's correct, but it's what makes sense to me. Along with my previous comments about not switching to the Gregorian Calendar until 1582, so the actual amount of time that has passed since we started counting the BC/AD in the 9th century I'm really not concerned about missing year 0.
Can you imagine anyone walking around saying, "This year is 1 B.C.?"
Honestly, who cares? I'll go with whatever the third digit is. If it's a 1, then it's the teens. If it's a 2, then it's the twenties. A 3, the thirties. Much simpler. It's arbitrary anyway. A number was picked by men years after the fact. Remember the panic of 1999? The world was going to end because our clocks weren't going to know what year it was. Good grief.
I've news for all of you - the recording of time is wholly a human construct. Ultimately it doesn't mean a damn thing.
The earth, hell the universe, doesn't give a shit about our calendars.