Films where style over substance succeeds?
Thoughts? Recommendations?
shareDrive. (2011)
shareActually there is a lot of substance in this movie. You have to wonder how a quiet, respectful man had the capacity to inflict real violence on others. He kicks in a guys head.
Then there is his experience as a 'real human being'. Many think that he's just chasing the girl but really his connection is much stronger with Benicio the son. He really wanted to feel normal and have a real connection.
Any Batman film from 1989 to 1997. I'm not sure who would watch those films without Batman and his arch nemesis'. Further, the plot lines were greatly influenced by the 1960's television series which in itself is not terrible but yet Burton could have gone with a clean slate in terms of a story.
shareThe driver
shareThe Revenant
shareBram Stoker’s Dracula
Also to piggyback on the draculean theme, I'd add Carl Dreyer's incredible Vampyr (1932)
A great looking film not a bad story either but could have been deeper I agree.
shareLove that one. The special effects inspired by the early years of film, the sets, the sense of heightened reality, the over the top performances.