MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you get depressed watching old movies...

Do you get depressed watching old movies?

I love old classic,but damn...

Watching these movies where all actors/actresses are dead..

Hmm.. Kind of depressing

I love old westerns,it's hard to watch..


I think it's more of the mindset/place of mind when viewing old materials. Sometimes old stuff evokes negative emotions because in your mind one may make the association of it being out of date/of a different vibe & culture/unsuited to them and their current environment. I can't really go in to super fine details, but basically it's like a disconnect possibly: you comparing your current predicament to really old stuff in a form of cinematic time-travel or such to experience older cultures, materials, film qualities, and tone/expression of such.

I have seen old movies that didn't depress me or anything, but I get what you mean/where you're coming from though. At times some old films can surely affect some in a more "dark way" or such, but I try and keep positive about it. I don't really watch "old-old" movies anyways, but I've seen Bringing Up Baby and liked that one -- didn't have a bad effect. There're also shows like I Love Lucy/etc.


Not exactly depressed but it does make me think that things seemed a lot better once.


The only thing a bit depressing is if you know it didn't end well for a particular actor or actress. No need to name any examples - there are so many.


No, some of my favorite movies are where the actors are dead like the movies from the 1930s like

The Thin Man series
Gone with the Wind
Tale of Two Cities
Wizard of Oz
My Man Godfrey
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
to name a few.
They don't depress me at all. In fact some of them are far better than the junk movies of today.


Dead actors don't depress me. Hell, death doesn't depress me. We're all dead already. The whole human race is extinct and it wasn't even around the blink of an eye, cosmically speaking. Quite a joke, really, this life thing. But I do get very depressed after watching old movies because that world doesn't exist anymore. Like sometimes i'll get fired up and watch some 80s movies for example, and then tomorrow man, you gotta go back to living in the shitty now times, and that will bum me out for weeks sometimes. So much so i'll actually avoid old films that celebrate the culture of the era too hard.


Sometimes a little bit. But sometimes I think it's cool to have a mental fanfiction going and imagine where the characters were years later (in the case of movies with no sequel)
