MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > OP Talking to themselves

OP Talking to themselves

Has anyone else noticed a trend lately where someone will flood a particular board with posts (a lot of times with extremely outrageous notions) and then proceed to create what are obviously one or more additional user names and proceed to talk to themselves/ shore up their original opinion,/attack other users opinions who disagree, etc?
I've spotted it in at least three boards. On one particular board it's pretty obvious one person is using at least four different aliases. I don't know if this against any rules or not?


I've definitely noticed it. Especially in terms of replying to an OP and then having someone with a completely different username attack me for, I think, politely disagreeing with the opinion stated. Imo, no one can be that mad about something you haven't said to or about them to the point that they fling deep, uncalled-for insults at you.

As for whether it's permitted, I can't say, but it happens so often, I'm gonna guess that there's no way of stopping it.


The Aaliyah posts, right? That's one of the boards I'm talking about.


Actually, I wasn't speaking about that board at all - ha! It just goes to show you though, this happens that often that you don't even need to trace it back to a specific board to notice it.


I haven't noticed it. I think if a mod becomes aware they they can be banned.


I’ve noticed it as well. It’s really bad on The Talk board.


They’re not the same person. It’s an easy mistake since both have taken up permanent residence in each other’s rectums but it’s two separate people.


Plenty of socks around here.

If you take the time to prove it, mods will delete the posts at the very least.


Can you point these people out?


Check out Karate Kid III board. It's very blatant.
