Adding to what you've said, the piece below I found in a comment section on and it is really insightful:
*(1.30 minute read)
Short version:
"For men, well, males are all about posturing. If you see yourself as weak, ugly, and small (physically and/or proverbially), other men and women will see it.
Perception is reality, and in large part we have control over how we're perceived.
If you walk with your head up, work hard in whatever you do, are honest with yourself and others, take pride in yourself and your accomplishments, don't waste your time focused on what someone else has that you don't, acknowledge your faults while highlighting your strengths, then you WILL be successful in life.
Long version:
The bottom line in every aspect of human interaction is that nobody likes a loser. The misconception is that "society" defines a loser by your hobbies and interests.
You can hang out at a comic book shop and go on at length whether TNG or DS9 was the better Star Trek, and still be seen as "cool."
It's all about controlling your own narrative, and if you walk around in sweat pants and a filthy tank top complaining about how you can't succeed in life because you're short/fat/ugly/nerdy/have bad acne, etc, then that's all anyone is going to see.
Losers are negative, complaining people full of self-loathing that lack the will to realize their aspirations, if they even aspire to anything at all.
Being 6'6" and handome gives you an advantage, sure, but so what? If you're 5'2" and resemble a Troll Doll, but choose to show others that those things don't define you, then you will know that any success you have in life will be based on merit alone, and that you earned every bit of it. It may be more difficult, bit it's worth more.
Positivity and self-acceptance shine through into how we carry ourselves. Believing in oneself and knowing your measure as a person, and knowing what value you have to offer in your capabilities will always get noticed.
Just my opinion, but ask yourself: will pointing at people who have advantages you don't, and calling out those advantages as unfair, make your life better?
Do you think tall men or slender women will lose their advantage if you yell long and loudly enough?
No, and all the while you only damage yourself; envying the people you secretly wish you were instead of focusing your energy on who you are and using what you have to make the best life you can for yourself."