Anyone else annoyed by certain procrastinators?
It's got to be one of the biggest irks I've yet to experience when it comes to people.
People who take forever to do any basic thing -- and then do that thing mediocre. I can understand people who take a while to get something done to do it well, but I mean procrastinators who not only take forever to get anything done, but do it the same as anyone else (who would normally do it in half the time or etc.). If I say I'm to do something, I almost always abide by what I say or I wouldn't say/suggest it. But with some (not all) procrastinators it's as if they just say whatever and don't give a s@#$ about honoring it or not.
I get the sense that some people who procrastinate just have some hint of laziness/arrogance/narcissism to them -- especially if they say they'll do 'X' at 'Y' time and it always take them significantly longer to do anything they claim or such.
Anyone else experience these types of people? It's like they think time works for them in some magical way....