MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anyone else annoyed by certain procrasti...

Anyone else annoyed by certain procrastinators?

It's got to be one of the biggest irks I've yet to experience when it comes to people.

People who take forever to do any basic thing -- and then do that thing mediocre. I can understand people who take a while to get something done to do it well, but I mean procrastinators who not only take forever to get anything done, but do it the same as anyone else (who would normally do it in half the time or etc.). If I say I'm to do something, I almost always abide by what I say or I wouldn't say/suggest it. But with some (not all) procrastinators it's as if they just say whatever and don't give a s@#$ about honoring it or not.

I get the sense that some people who procrastinate just have some hint of laziness/arrogance/narcissism to them -- especially if they say they'll do 'X' at 'Y' time and it always take them significantly longer to do anything they claim or such.

Anyone else experience these types of people? It's like they think time works for them in some magical way....


We have hard deadlines and due dates at my'd put yourself in job jeopardy by not living up to expectations, and you are expected to constantly improve based on some scoring system nobody even understands, not even the idiot supervisors that rate you...not easy earning a living but the alternative is far worse

The people that annoy me no end are the ones that are ALWAYS late to work and the rest of us have to pick up their slack
It is very annoying

How can a grown person not figure out traffic flows and parking and be in the building on time?
A lot of these people have children and bills...I just don't get it


I used to work with a gal who was quite proud of getting to work on time. Actually, she was a few minutes late almost every day. Then she'd boast about how she'd rolled out of bed just a half-hour ago, taken a shower and made it to work on time. She showed up with wet hair and spent the first 30-45 minutes at her desk fixing her hair, putting on her makeup, headed down to the cafeteria to grab something to eat, and then proceeded to eat it at her desk. She was at work, but she sure wasn't working. And yes, she was on the clock during all this. 🙄


No self respect
Be a bit early and look presentable...mind you, I don't even like my job but I am paid to do it

Slackers are a bit annoying


I had a friend who was always late unless it was something he set up, in which case he was always on time. It put a real strain on our friendship.


That is how it usually is with these types of people.

I can tolerate selfishness at a normal/fair rate (we all are to some extent sometimes) but when people just don't care and are only always out for themselves and don't care about anything they do/how it affects others, I can't consider that person any kind of friend of mine to say the least.

There are certain traits or behaviors that kind of paint a picture of peoples' intentions/character for me -- and when it comes to habitual procrastinating that often doesn't tell me very much good on its own (exceptions exist though).


I wouldn't describe my former pal as passive-aggressive, but perhaps for some procrastination IS a form of passive-aggression.


My ex-wife made us late for everything. It drove me crazy! That's one reason why she's my ex-wife.


Yeah, that’s totally me. Sorry ✌️


What do we want? - Procrastination!
When do we want it? - Um....I’ll get back to you when I can be bothered.
