Sports Section

Mods - can we get this? We have politics, why not sports?


There is a 'Sports' section under 'Other General Boards'

It seems like a ghost town though, the most recent post was a month ago

You posted there;)


My opinion is a lot of the Home Page was formatted poorly. I see all kinds of sub-categories, and it's too much. While the whole Politics business had a life of it's own, it's illustrative that there is a Politics section in small print and now a newer standalone POLITICS.
I have a question I wanted to pose in GD but I also realize there is some kind of Games (Electronic) section I could put it in. I'd rather go to GD because I think more people would see it, but I'd be ignoring the section dedicated to the subject, so again, the way this home page was built concerning tertiary subjects just wasn't done very well. No offense meant to the host, as the Trending and GD are very entertaining and I'm here every day.


Yeah, the most conversation happens at anything you wish (even dreaded politics BS) and someone is sure to respond

I attempt to respond to any OP that is not responded to out of courtesy, it just seems like the polite thing to do (unless I have no idea about the subject)

I hardly ever go to the other boards, the action is here


One suggestion is to make your post on the Games board, then post a link to it on GD and ask folks to respond.


By golly !
Sprinkle some fairy dust here, whisper some innuendo there, let the fun begin !
I'm saying the way this place has been set up has segmented everything to the point of micro-management.
I could simply toss out my Q in GD and that's fine.
But if we are going to follow the design of this site, (which we all love), we should be utilizing all these sub-categories, and I think it was more complicated than it should have been.
Maybe it will work in the long run, and be HYUGHE !!


Valid criticism and I believe your views are shared by many.

The board layout mirrors the layout of the imdb boards. The idea was to make the site look familiar to the imdb message board refugees, to help them find the archived content that was originally posted on those boards, and to help them reconnect with old friends who posted there.

Unfortunately, the structure that was effective for imdb is much less effective for a site with much less traffic and far fewer members. (For now, anyway. 🙂)

A number of changes have been made since MovieChat's launch to better manage this problem, but there is clearly more work to be done in the days ahead.


Thanks for your response. I was a little leery about being critical but from the very beginning I noticed an everything plus the kitchen sink segmenting a whole lot of topics. Perhaps in hindsight it might be better to start simply and then create sites as the demand calls for. Like, if there was some groundswell of Sports chat in the common sites, someone could say Hey ! Let's start a separate Sports site. I don't know how many people are going to Books, Architecture, Graphic Novels or whatever all these sub-categories are.
And maybe it is just a matter of time and growth, Idk.


I would move the Sports board up on the first page beneath the Politics board.


I'd be happy to nuke the Politics are more patient than me Amigo


There is a Sports section:

You are also welcome to post sports topics on General Discussion.
