Should casinos be held responsible for problem gamblers? Why or why not?
shareI'd love to own a casino , the perfect business: people come in , empty their pockets and leave!
(Mr. Burns)
But why?
shareAbsolutely not! Why should casinos be responsible for gamblers who entered with their own free will? The casinos don’t drag gamblers into their places of businesses. But, if the gambler is inebriated and obnoxious security should escort the jerk out of the building!
shareNo. People have to take ownership of their own actions.
shareShould grocery stores and bakeries and restaurants be responsible for morbidly obese customers? Should liquor stores and bars be responsible for alcoholism?
shareNo, if we as a society decide gambling should be illegal then the government should ban it.
But it's also a debate which is gambling and which is a skill game.
But for now it's legal, so someone should get a petition going.
Just because you make it illegal, it won't mean the behavior will stop though.
shareOkay then have psychologists do more research into why people gamble compulsively and help those troubled individuals and make it compulsory.
You should try to answer the question yourself btw before you dismiss this answer.
I would say No. I always thought tobacco companies should not have been held liable because it was a legal product.
shareNo, I don't think they should "be held responsible" but I do feel casinos should keep an eye on people who seem to be losing more than they should. Just heard a story about a guy who started some sort of business where he used to be a dealer and he wanted to help patrons who obviously had a problem, but the casino wouldn't let him. So he quit and started some deal where he could help these people out. I thought that was very cool.