Most annoying

1. People who "uptalk". It used to be just kids, now everybody's doing it.
2.Using the word "like". . .for example.. "I went to the store and like I couldn't find the avocados and like I asked the stor clerk and he said "we're out of them but like there will be more tomorrow"
3. That's a great question.. Instead of just answering they have to say this.


Literally, is quite literally the most over used word ever.


My favourite is when people say "That literally made me nauseous." Two for one! Don't people know the difference between nauseous and nauseated anymore? 🤔


I always chuckle when someone says 'pacific' instead of specific, lol.


That one's just cute 😊


Supposively instead of supposedly - had an office cube mate who said that. At first I thought I'd misheard her, but later saw it typed out in emails that way. I still hear it used.


That's another cute one 😊

Another, but not particularly cute. Draw for drawer. "It was in a chest of draws."


The word hate, I find it overused.


I hate that too.


The most annoying language and behavior:

Uttering the phrase 'Thinking outside the box'

'It is what it is...'
What does that mean?!?
I don't know...

Calling anybody 'Bitch' ever
Really not cool👎

The term 'Niggas' (as if it's way more acceptable to be a hip racist than a regular vile one)

Whenever anyone I know approaches me and starts off with, 'I had a really strange dream last night...'
I just accept that the next 5 minutes are going to be terribly boring

Co-workers who sidle up to me and start off with political crap
I get it, we vote differently, no need to make our annoying jobs even more annoying
I am only showing up to pay the bills, I'm seeking neither insult nor a fight

Drivers that very clearly zoom out of the lane to get ahead and than wave to be let back in...Jeez, I saw what you just did sport, now I need to let you back into the lane ahead of me?!?
People are awful!

Work colleagues that are constantly late and say something like 'I'm sorry dear, I had to take that call...'
Everyone I work with is going to be late to their own funeral and I seem to be the only one stressed out by this!

Little kids that think they can argue with and lawyer their own parents!
I have no patience for little brats and while I'm not a spanker I am starting to see why the older generations were:/
I'm in my mid 40s and the thought of arguing with my parents still gives me the willies!

My neighbor is an awesome guy
Handy, earns a fine salary, we help
each other out all the time and have had quite a few cases of beer together in my garage but his wife simply hates me!
Every time she shoulders through the treeline into my yard I just know I'm in for it and complaints will be stated!
I can't figure out why she disapproves of me so much!

It's a posted 40 MPH Limit and I AM doing 50..! You are almost in my backseat!!!
This is when I slow down to a crawl:)
I hate tailgating

I get annoyed by everything!


I had a really strange dream last night... Lucky for you I can't remember it. 😉


😬it's really the worst right?!?
My little sister of all people traps me in this boring convo way too often!


I'm sure the store clerk like said, we're "literally" out of them.


The word "amazing". 99.99997635% of what people say is amazing is not even close to amazing.


Ditto that with awesome.


fake people
egotistical assholes
instagram influencers
delusional "artists"
middle aged women


“Nu-Q-ler” instead of nuc-LE-ar. Just stamps “idiot” on the forehead of person saying it.


I hate to admit that I struggle with this one lol!


Credit given for struggling.


A fella should at least TRY to better himself!
Even if the results are always ludicrous;)


I hear this a lot, nuQuler instead of nuLear, mostly from people who should know better, especially politicians.


To me, that annoying "uptalk" habit makes a person sound unsure of himself.
