well, you've said a few things in this thread.
let's consolidate & focus on the main ones here.
first, you said that the article i posted from science based medicine 'does nothing to educate,' to which i can only respond that i think you're wrong. the article quite directly addresses whether autism rates have declined since thimerosol was removed from the vax schedule - they haven't. it addresses why autism rates have increased - more consciousness to the condition, broadening of the diagnosis. that's directly relevant to the discussion, & he has actually backed up his arguments with links to peer reviewed studies.
second, you claim i am making an argument from authority. not so. if i were to simply say 'steven novella of science based medicine says it's so and he's an academic neurologist at yale' that would be an argument from authority. making a claim, then backing it up with relevant articles based on current research is simply doing what every person should do when they are assessing a claim in an area where they are not an expert - go to the experts in the field and see what they think, and see what the peer reviewed research shows.
to not do that is to simply give all opinions equal weight, and that is a path to madness.
and third, you said this:
Guess what you "left out"? You tried to tell us that ingestion is worse than injection. Or weren't we supposed to notice?[/b]
[b]There's a reason he "left out" ethylmercury versus methylmercury. You have it backwards. Ethyl is the one that primarily goes into tissues and stays there. Methyl is in the blood where it's better mobilized out of the body. You're about 20 years behind on this. That's still better than the vaccine manufacturers.
firstly, i said nothing about ingestion/injection. you made that up yourself.
and as for your statement that methylmercury is 'better mobilized out of the body...' i find that an awfully curious thing to say.
i can tell you who doesn't agree with that.
health canada:
Thimerosal breaks down into ethylmercury in the body and quickly leaves the body in the stool. It does not build up in the body and does not cause health concerns. Another type of mercury, methylmercury, is the type found in certain kinds of fish, like tuna. Unlike ethylmercury, it does not leave the body and can build up, causing harm.
dr julia barrett:
The initial absorption rate and tissue distribution of mercury was similar in both exposed groups. However, total mercury progressively accumulated in the blood of methylmercury-exposed monkeys and remained detectable 28 days after the last dose. Among thimerosal-exposed monkeys, total mercury in blood declined rapidly between doses, and the researchers estimated clearance to be 5.4-fold higher than in the methylmercury group. In the thimerosal group, the half-life of total mercury in blood was 6.9 days, compared to 19.1 days for the methylmercury group.
the fda:
Low-level ethylmercury exposures from vaccines are very different
from long-term methylmercury exposures because ethylmercury is
broken down by the body differently and clears out of the blood
more quickly
and i won't bother flooding the board with the endless studies & statements that have repeatedly shown that there is no established link between thimerosol, or any vaccines & autism.