do you wish

You didn't have to go to the bathroom? Over my lifetime I will probably have spent weeks in the bathroom. That's a lot of time I could have for something else. Plus the inconvenience of having to stop what you are doing and find a bathroom all the time.

Think about it.


Yes, the 3 AM Pees are super annoying
I also wish I didn't have to call my parents
It's like an hour on the phone every time
They know I love them,'s an hour of 'Oh, by the way, you were right about such and such...' and 'Oh, you don't say, He's dead now...'
My parents drive me mad:/


I wish my parents were still around to drive me nuts. 😞 I miss them - especially my dad.


imagine if we didn't have to sleep or eat.


Amen to these!


Or live!


Haha yes that would be great. I do get some reading in during bathroom time lol, but if I didn't have to go that would be preferable. However, how are some people going to get out of their blind dates? How many times has the "I have to use the restroom, I'll be right back" to never return been used????


Good point! What would they do instead? Pre-planning is the answer. Arrange to have someone call you about an hour into the date. If it's going well, no problem. But if it's going badly, you can feign an emergency and leave.


I wish that people would write complete topic headlines instead of coy clickbait-inspired crap.

Not for nothing, genius, but when mammals ingest fluid and solid nourishment, which we must do to survive, we must also eliminate their waste by-products. We do this along with, you know, breathing and sleeping, equally inconvenient; also, probably, prayer.


^You just got Kaned Woman!


he is a professional humorist after all.


Yes, and they rarely laugh!
He's also into Warrior Women, which just makes sense, considering his katana skills and to die for Lats


Equating breathing, sleeping and even prayer with a necessary & sometimes disgusting bodily function? *rolling eyes here*


It's not using the bathroom that bothers me. Just the frequency. It would be nice if we didn't have to do it so often, but enough to keep our bodies from being poisoned.



I prefer to be slightly dehydrated because of this. It reduces the amount of thymes eye have to pee.


It's annoying sometimes, but no. I like the mundane aspects of being a human being.

I've had a lot of good think sessions in the toilet. It's a good way to get out of conversations or unwanted situations. It's a good excuse to get away from things. I like folding toilet paper. I like spending time looking at my knees that I otherwise wouldn't do. It's weird, but it's human.


If peeing wasn't a thing the world would eventually run out of water.
