MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > u can never really own ur own house in m...

u can never really own ur own house in murica

all u can do is lease it from the government. they will take it away if u aint payin up


You need to keep up the mortgage
same as a car lease or a credit card
Perfectly normal business ... What are you worried about?


aint talkin about no mortgage u bozo. im talking bout property tax. i bought my house for ca$h money but i still dont own her. gotta pay of the gov for the privilege to keep my roof above my head. we all just peasants werkin like sheeple for the big government. thats the point i be makin u noodlehead


Oh yes, property taxes are out of control, you are quite correct
I got killed on my tax return:/

They have also screwed up my write-offs this year!

My nickname is did you know BigAl?


a tru bozo can easily spot another bozo


You sure take your time landing a punchline dummy

Try again littleboy Al, seriously, try again boy, your first attempt was garbage


its Big Al to you!! Im a big alpha dog aint no littleboy yo


i wouldn't want to live in a country where you can default on your end of a contract & face no consequence.

which isn't to say that i wouldn't want to help someone who has bad luck, hits hard times.

but one of the great benefits of the free market system is that it's not just one game. if you lose once, that doesn't mean you've lost forever. you get to play again. nobody has a perfect winning record.

& the losses are important. this is one of the lessons that i think is gained from an economics education, that losses are just as important as wins, and that we have to let the losses happen & let the consequences flow through the system.


nothing wrong with the free marketz. what wrong is the big brother government reachin into ur pocket just because you own a piece of real estate. this aint no free country


ah, ok. i didn't quite get your point.
in that case, i am actually pretty sympathetic to your point!
though i personally am more opposed to income taxes than property taxes.
my hierarchy of preferences of kinds of taxation goes:

best: comsumption taxes
middle: property taxes
worst: payroll & income taxes.


yeah consumption tax is the best tax. property payroll and income taxes are all unconstitutional


Red solo cup !
