MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I think that guns should be banned

I think that guns should be banned

But only in the US.



Ok but what does it have to do with a movie forum?


Not much, like most posts here on GD.


It's a way more meaningful level of posting at FB?

Why don't we call each other faggots or niggars..?
That seems really reasonable

Russ...get it together, you are starting to seem like an easily led moron buddy


Whoa, that escalated quickly! "Faggots or niggars"?! Really?!



2002 called and wants their NRW propaganda back.


What's going on with you Russ?
You were lots of fun and cool, we always hit it off, no worries
I hear through the grapevine that you're mocking MC now?

Why the OP about firearms..?


The latest proxy it would seem and not a very good one.


Fairly pathetic and obvious
A certain punk seems very busy with his PMs when he isn't high as a kite


It's all in good fun, Shogun. Have you read said "mocking" yourself? If my poll on fb has offended anyone, then it's because it hits a nerve. The post is a friendly take on MC but also on how some people on fb see MC. Frankly I'm surprised that you guys fail to see that!


so sick of the shit storm invitations........


Hard to say why some posters act as they do
Russ was pretty fun but he seems to have defected to another site...too bad really

Russell could show some class (unlike certain prior members) and should just
leave our site out of his conversion...
Best of luck to him, as I said that poster was fun
Adios Amigo

Seems the exiles are trying to fit in on another site and mostly seem like starving dogs lol


The topic is serious enough, even if you don't agree, Shogun.



Because of school shootings. On average, a shooting took place once every eight school days in the U.S. in 2018. Clearly there's a problem, wouldn't you agree?


A gun ban wouldn't stop criminals from obtaining firearms. All it would do was prevent ordinary citizens from defending themselves.

All a criminal has to do to get a gun, ban or no ban, is find out where the nearest black market is, or visit the Dark Web, and buy one there.


Do you think that countries with strict weapon laws have the same frequency of, say, school shootings as the US? I mean, in those countries the school shooter would have bought his weapons on the black market, right?


First off, keep in mind that the media loves sensations. They always love to magnify shootings of any kind, because it pushes the narrative that they happen all the time. They don't. The media doesn't DARE report stories where an armed citizen stopped a maniac from killing others, because it would ruin the message they are peddling that guns are evil.

Second, other countries have a tighter control of their press (due to lack of free speech laws) and have no trouble lying to the citizens about how their gun control laws don't work. England has been lying about it for years. Criminals can still obtain guns over there, regardless of what Parliament has demanded of the people, and other murderers just got more creative with how they kill people, such as with knives or other implements.

I spoke to a Finnish girl years ago, (and Finland has gun-control laws), and she told me that the most popular murder weapon is the shovel. You can bash someone on the head or slice it open, and bury them, all with the same tool. Are they going to ban shovels, which are used in a lot of ordinary, everyday activities, just because a few sociopaths have ruined people's lives? Should we ban cars too? They kill millions of people every year.

France paid dearly for not arming their police in the Charlie Hebdo Massacre, and among the 17 people killed, several were officers who were unarmed, whereas the terrorists who were armed, were able to obtain guns, regardless of the laws France implemented decades ago.

At the Draw Muhammad contest in Texas, two crazy guys who had been radicalized online showed up with automatic rifles, sprayed 20 rounds outside the front entrance and didn't hit anything, save for a ricochet bullet into the ankle of a traffic control officer, who then proceeded to take out his hand-gun, and used only two shots to take these nutjobs out. Not a single person died in that incident. Imagine how many would have died if there had been nobody there with no firearms available to defend themselves? Cowardly bad guys call that a "Target-rich environment."

In Detroit, muggings and robberies went down because the city passed "concealed carry" laws, allowing those with gun licenses to carry guns hidden in their clothing. Keep in mind that Detroit is notorious for violence and a lot of crime. However, when the concealed carry law went into effect, the crime rate went down because the crims knew that attempting to hurt citizens that may or may not be armed was not a good idea.

There are two other things to take into account:

1.) Many celebrities and elite who scream the loudest about gun-control laws, usually are surrounded by bodyguards...who carry guns. Does that sound hypocritical to you? Most people can't afford to have armed bodyguards.

2.) One of the first things tyrannical governments do when taking over a country, is take away the guns from ordinary citizens. It was the first thing Redcoat soldiers did when occupying cities along the coast during the Revolutionary War, and one of the first things the Nazi party did when they took over Germany was to take away guns from the Jews, and later other German citizens.

So I ask you; why would you listen to a media that lies about stuff all the time, when the evidence is right there for you to find?


Amerigirl, no-one is talking about disarming cops here.

You say that the media tend to "magnify shootings" in order to serve a political agenda. Do you mean that there are - should we call them "regular" - shootings which doesn't need media attention? I mean, a school shooting where a kid kills other kids still counts as an abnormality, worthy of media attention, wouldnt you agree?


Tell me, how many times have you walked into a high school and had a "regular" shooting? I probably would count zero on that one. I experienced more false-alarm bomb-threats at my high school than shootings.

It is important that the media keep the public informed on anything important, and they haven't done that in years. They only report on what THEY think is important, or what their BOSSES think is important, not what would be important to the rest of Americans. We ordinary people are just peons to them, sheep to be tricked into believing whatever they tell us, and that belief has failed many times in the past 30 years. Small wonder only 40% of Americans are stupid enough to believe the lamestream media anymore. They've lost a lot of their credibility.

You also didn't look into what was going on before or during the Parkland shooting.

Florida has a lot of problems with local political corruption. I blame it more on greed than any one political party. Broward County in particular decided to do something extremely dangerous just so their schools could get more federal funding. The schools were not getting as much money as they wanted because of the county's reputation for an unusually high number of arrests of minors, due to teenagers doing crimes. So the police and local politicians set up a scam in secret, where the cops would only arrest a certain number of teenage criminals over the course of the month, and then hold back and not arrest any after they reached that number, or cover up any arrests they made afterwards. They even went so far as to hide evidence that had been confiscated, such as bags of cocaine. It was because of this, that they were able to trick the federal bureaucrats into thinking the teen crime rate had gone down in their county, and were rewarded money to the schools because of it.

The local gangs caught onto this scheme and would wait until the cops had pulled back to do their evil deeds without fear of getting arrested. It was because of this scheme that the cops put ordinary citizens in danger, including kids at the local schools. You can guess what time of the month it was when the Parkland shooting took place. In fact, when the shooting was going on, the Sheriff and his backup actually sat outside, in their cars, and did not go into the school to stop that kid for the first 20 minutes! What the hell kind of cop does that?!

It's also suspicious how the school had over 70 cameras that could pick up on what was going on, and all we got were 4, crappy videos that barely show anything, or that the news showed conflicting reports from eyewitnesses inside and outside the school.

There's also the issue that the kid who did this had been expelled from Parkland, and had not attended in quite a while, and therefore, wasn't a student. Also keep in mind that he was a sociopath, and came from a terrible family background. He was a foster kid who lived with his younger brother and a female legal guardian, and there had been numerous domestic disturbance reports coming out of that house, including cops visiting and checking in on the family. Most of the reports involved him beating up his foster mom.

Nicholas actually sent up a lot of red flags with his activities, including actually SAYING ONLINE that he was going to go kill the kids at that school, and guess what the FBI did: nothing. They didn't do a damned thing, even though this kid had all these warning signs. They were too busy investigating Trump to be bothered with this unstable, dangerous kid. I'm amazed they didn't label what he did "workplace violence."


It would require an amendment to the Constitution. Although I disagree with the policy, I could then at least respect it as a straightforward and unambiguously lawful approach to the question as compared to the schizophrenic state of affairs today, where the Constitution's guarantee of "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" is a dead letter in many states. The Second Amendment simply does not exist in New York, New Jersey and many other states.


Thanks for your reply and your insight, TJ. No matter what, laws are made by people and can be changed if people want it.


The Democraps in those states have been using that Amendment as toilet paper for years.


So we can become a police state? Nah, I think I’ll keep my gun.


No thanks


Fair enough.



There is a political area on this forum, please use it.


You mean the Trump board?


I think you're confusing it with the General Politics board. There is a Trump (as a celebrity) area, but there is also a Political area that covers all politics, not just one or the other when it comes to party affiliation.
