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Myths And Other Idiot Ideas That The Movies Promulgate

This topic’s title contains the phrase “The Movies” and not “Movies” because I believe The Movies are a sort of Olympus of cultural reference, a gathering of authority and respect. Among the myths etc. that they promulgate:

You can out-run an explosion.

You can out-run a car.

You’re driving a Porsche GT, but cops driving Chryslers can keep right up with you.

Adam Sandler is sexually attractive—or any other kind of attractive.

Star Wars is still good.

We can’t have too many comic book movies.

We can’t have too many video game-derived movies.

You think that you can handle meeting an angel.

Highly intelligent people are pretty much like you, only MORE, and they care about resolving a Rubik’s cube. Chess is a different matter; also, Go; also, card games, especially for serious stakes. Rubik’s cube? Really? Start at the corners.

We can’t have too many dystopian fantasy film series based on novels written by Jewish girls with female protagonists ardently pursued by a gaggle of hot, but, face it, not very interesting or bright, guys. I could get more descriptive than than, but I won’t.

A trained fighter wearing cowboy boots can spin-kick you in the temple or larynx and you can shake it off and not, you know, die. There’s a wonderful scene in Demolition Man, where Sylvester Stallone clocks Wesley Snipes with a death blow while Snipes is spread over the hood of an Oldsmobile 4-4-2, and Snipes just shakes his head rapidly from
side to side, purses his lips and “says” “brrrrrrr,” and leaps back into unimpaired action. It was something out of a Road Runner cartoon.

Most women can beat up most men, or at least hold their own with them, all without an equalizing weapon, like a handgun, a katana or an attorney.

The cops always show up after the crisis has been resolved.

Race doesn’t matter. We are all receptive to each other.

Gay people are really more than 4.7 percent of the population.

Most white people are privileged.

When a man and woman are in bed together, the bedclothes on the woman’s side will always be cut differently from the bedclothes on the man’s, allowing full view of her breasts.

Just about everybody knows some kind of martial art.

The bomb can’t be defused until the last second of its countdown.

There needs to be a countdown for almost everything, instead of just pushing the button, flicking the switch or kicking the door in.


The Mythbusters capitalized on some of this :D. It was fun to see them disprove some of the more inane stuff, though there was one idiot idea that always bugged me.

In the movie "The Rock," in order for the good guys not to die from nerve gas, they had to take this GIGANTIC NEEDLE and inject the antidote directly into their heart to survive the gas. One small problem: that "injection" would kill you faster than the nerve gas would. You may as well take out a knife and stab yourself in the heart, because you'll get the same result.

It would have made more sense to inject into the thigh or the shoulder, NOT in the heart.


So, in Pulp Fuction, injecting the adrenaline into the heroin-overdosing Mrs. Wallace’s heart was probably not the best tactic? Are you saying that Tarantino doesn’t know about medical procedure, anatomy, or much of anything else, other than, when he was younger, entertainment and sensation? If so, I’m good with that!


Oh he DEFINITELY doesn't know anatomy. While it is dramatic that Mrs. Wallace got injected in the chest to save her life, a.) the drug they used wouldn't really have fixed her overdose problem, and b.) they would have pierced her heart and killed her right on the spot.

And after hearing about the 5-Finger thing of death that causes people's hearts to explode from "Kill Bill," or how every stabbing victim in his movies has people explode with a shower of blood like a balloon? Even adult cartoons aren't that bad.


First: I enjoy you, which I think that you know.

Second: this is a topic that I created some 20 years ago on the Entertainment Weekly
message boards. Feeling magnanimous and fulsome, I
ported it here, with updates. If Mythbusters stole my idea, I want financial compensation pronto, and aplenty.

Third, when has stabbing someone in the heart to save her/his life ever been a good idea? The bloodstream will get the adrenaline/miracle cure to the heart fast enough, without, you know, disabling the most important muscle in the body.


Thanks :D and I agree about the bloodstream thing.

Here are some more good idiot ideas movies still propagate:

- every car that falls down a hill explodes when it hits the bottom

- you can outrun a falling bridge after an explosion

- humans only use 10% of their brains and have a huge potential for having unusual brain powers (sorry Hollywood, we use the entire thing).

- you can split an arrow like Robin Hood did

- you can shoot a gun out of a person's hand and only do minor damage to their hand

- a titanium phone can keep you alive if you've got it in your bra and someone shoots at your heart


I think the new, forthcoming iPhone contains a virtual thoracic surgeon, but, mainly, I think you’re right.

And I think you and I are on the same page.


I can think of a million and one examples, but since when are movies supposed to be realistic? I mean I could just say highschool kids don’t really get hairy and turn into werewolf’s. It would be harder to come up with movies that actually depict real life.


We’re not discussing real life: We’re discussing the archetypes and myths that the movies promulgate. F’rinstance: Big business is always evil.


Oh, gotcha. Ok then. Blockbuster hits are always excellent films. The academy’s opinion on movies matters.


Explosions making you fly through the air. Doesn't happen. You'd just collapse and if close enough your brain would turn to jelly.


Thats quite the rant!

Are you saying there are too many dystopian fantasy film series based on novels written by Jewish girls with female protagonists ardently pursued by a gaggle of hot, but, face it, not very interesting or bright, guys.

How many are there?


I would think a variety of women were writing those dystopian novels, not just Jewish ones.


I had the impression that Twilight, The Hunger Games and True Blood (okay, an HBO
series and not a film series) were based on books written by Jewish women. The Sookie Stackhouse novels are neither futuristic nor dystopian, so I should have left that adjective out of my screed. I don’t know anything about the authors of the books behind the Divergent and Maze Runner Etc. series, except for their gender. Mea culpa. I reserve the right to be wrong and imperfect.


Speaking of chess, did you ever see Searching for Bobby Fischer? It's in my top 5 favourite films of all time. Great acting, great story, and often visually stunning.


I've seen some sort of movie about him , there were some famous incidents of temper tantrums or refusing to play till he got a cookie or something ... cant quite remember


I've heard about his tantrums, but this movie isn't about Bobby Fischer, per se. It's about a child prodigy chess player. Won't say more because it might spoil.

Here's the trailer:

Low quality so you can't see the beauty in how it was filmed, but it'll give you an idea of the story. Great cast, too.


The popular ones who are nasty to others in high school always end up losers as adults.

Every gay person is nice, helpful, law-abiding and never does anything wrong.

It's always the white person who starts trouble.

One small scrawny man can intimidate one of more much bigger men.

The "geek" character always ends up the choice of the "hot" character.

When in a fight, the gang will always attack the single person one by one, watching each get their ass kicked instead of pounding all at once.


A bus can jump the gap.


If it's going over 55 mph, it's definitely plausible.


The most important scene in the movie comes after the end credits.

Beautiful people are rarely smart.
