Male Fantasy Media versus Female Fantasy Media
Known informally as non-sexually oriented porn. Anyways, which is more obnoxious. Women often cite movies such as the Rambo series as totally unrealistic. One guy against a small army of antagonists. Unlikely, but against the right untrained opponent Rambo has a fighting chance. To be fair women have been catered to far less than men so there is far less material especially from earlier generations. But you have programming such as Gilmore Girls where nearly all the men are dullards, halfwits, or ignorant especially if they are not a potential love interest of the lead female characters. While shows from the 1950's and 1960's were clearly male centric the women were mostly deferential but seldom shown as outright stupid. Even a show like All in the Family from the early 1970's had a housewife that while shown as not academically capable certainly knew people and had wisdom. I liked the character of Edith Bunker and would consider her the high water mark in terms of maybe having a limited intellect. So what do you think?