Stupid Movie Lines...
'Pain dont hurt'
Road House (89)
I'll go with a recent one.
When the big dude said "RIP THAT FLEA" in Battle Angel I cracked up. Not the worst line I've heard (or even the worst in the movie) but it just sounded so funny to me.
I don't remember the exact name of the movie. But it was about killer bees attacking.
They attacked a little girl, about five years old, and she was unconscious.
Her mother stood over her saying, "More than one or two stings...on a child her size..."
As if the audience wouldn't get it after seeing her stung by the swarm and passing out.
Expositional dialogue is so tricky to pull off!
'Dang, why does that kooky demon keep killing us if we fall, whatevs, probabably something our folks did'