

It's sexist. My mom used to comment on big lifted pickup trucks, EVERY TIME, that the driver must be compensating for a small penis. She's very anti sexist... Unless it's against men.

I told her eventually that she was being sexist, and compared it to seeing an attractive woman in a nice car followed by commenting that she must have bought it with her tits.

That was the end of that.


Ya my mom said that too


Why is it okay for women to criticize how big a man's junk is, but if their boobs are criticized, is sexist? Double standards for ya.


No, no, no. Double standard??!! Lmao. I’m a female that has been listening to bullshit sexist comments my entire life. If you big, strong men can’t handle a little dick joke?! You probably have a little dick.



I believe in what’s right. As far as this topic goes, I’ve been hanging with dudes and listening to hip hop since my teenage years. Let’s be honest, early gangster rap was degrading af to females. I got the joke and was always treated with respect (made sure of that) but I love these strong female rap artists that are giving it right back. I’m in no way a feminist, but I believe in demanding respect as a woman. As females, we’ve been dealing with sexism and unwarranted comments a long time. So yes, I feel like boys should be able to take a lil dick joke in stride.


As females, we’ve been dealing with sexism and unwarranted comments a long time
So have men, but men are supposed to be so tough and insensitive to it; yet, then women whine about men being insensitive. How "degrading".



I don’t really care what you believe. I’ve never made fun of a guy for having a little dick. My point is, don’t start crying about it when females have been dealing with this unfairness forever.
This discussion has nothing to do with making fun of people with disabilities. Unless you’re considering a little dick a disability.
The hip hop comment was just an example. Here’s another one...
How many times have you heard a guy say “I don’t care if a guy is gay, as long as they don’t hit on me.” You think women enjoy being hit on and treated like objects? No, but it happens on the regular. I’m just saying, we’ve been dealing with this since the beginning of time. Now men wanna complain about little dick jokes? Get outta here with that. Welcome to the world. Neither is obviously ok, but no I won’t cry for any men having to deal with sexist comments when most females have dealt with them their entire lives.



I mean, no. A micro penis isn’t something I’ve encountered or know about. I’m sorry for my ignorance on that but I will say you must have big ol’ balls to be open about your micro penis. I apologize for any disrespect.


I have a very hard time believing you when you say you aren't a feminist bc you sure whine like one.


Oooo burn. Good one Gretchen, how long it take you to come up with that clever insult.


It was an observation. You will know when I bless you with an insult.


No, no, no. Double standard??!! Lmao. I’m a female that has been listening to bullshit sexist comments my entire life. If you big, strong men can’t handle a little dick joke?! You probably have a little dick.
---- --- --- ---
Other women also make jokes about your breast-size.. Nobody said a man cannot handle it, but pointing out the hypocrisy. However, Womens' sexist-bullshit goes without being scrutinized in the media.
Instead of being angry, you should be enjoying your free pass in being sexist. Gee, and I though women were so empowered and strong. Oh, well.


I’m not angry at all brah. I don’t allow men to disrespect me in that way. Lol free pass at being sexist? No sir. Females have dealt with this treatment a long time. I’m glad you boys are getting a small taste of it. You are the only one whining here. I’m super sorry about your small dick.



It’s ok boo, don’t be sorry. Woman weren’t even allowed to vote until 1920 due to our small, itty bitty brains.
I do appreciate that you’ve never said anything sexist towards a woman. I understand you can only go by your own experiences. I’m not blaming you for anything, I’m just saying, as a man, you have no clue the kindof sexism females deal with on a daily basis.


Good for you that you dont' allow men to disrespect you. You're missing the point, sweetie: Women are not held nearly as responsible for disrespecting men, but you probably think there is no such a thing as women disrespecting men, since you're too absorbed in being this little tough feminist that you never considered it. Remember this when a woman receives 1/2 of a man's finances in a divorce settlement for gracing the man with her presence for 3 whole years.

Do have you any real problems (on a daily basis) aside from a man hitting on you, or is that the worst thing in life that you've experienced? And if men did not hit on you, you'd wonder whats wrong and would feel sorry for yourself over that too. Be glad you have your health and other important things in life, instead of being fixated on how special you think you are because you're female.


First of all, I’m certainly not a feminist. What do you mean by “being held responsible”? You’re just making stupid assumptions about what I think. It seems to really bother you that I’m a strong, assertive female. Divorce and finances have nothing at all to do with this discussion, but I’m so sorry your ex wife kept your balls on her nightstand.
Lol!! Me feel sorry for myself?! You’re the one crying like a little bitch.
You come off as extremely sexist. It seems to really bother you that I voice my opinion. Demanding respect from men (or little boys in your case) doesn’t have anything to do with being tough. Unlike you, I don’t cry when I receive sexist comments, I just let that person know they can’t speak to me in that manner. So speaking up for myself when I’m spoken to in a disrespectful way is wrong somehow but you guys are on social media whimpering about some girl making a comment about your dick size? Unlike you whiners, when I receive sexist comments I handle it. I don’t come crying to social media about how I’m treated unfairly. Man up boys.
Also, I think it’s adorable you assume I have no real problems because why? I’m female? You’re just precious. I don’t need your close-minded, sexist ass to tell me what’s important boo, but thanks all the same.


Sounds like the Lady Protest Too Much. I'm not even referring to the cock-size topic, since we have gone beyond that. What you described is exactly what women (not all women) do, while men are the ones who have their "opinions" wrongly scrutinized and judged. Men are the ones who have to tolerate the burden that sexism places on them also, and that society condones. You are the type will always find an excuse to inject "sexism" (like "racism") into any topic you can, anywhere you can. You're obsessed over it due to your innate-distortion about how assertive and strong you are (or because you're bored). You are neither, but a young immature female jumping on the bandwagon. Females are notorious for whining and crying as their first reaction. That's one reason men do not desire some women in the workplace, which the genuinely strong women are scapegoated for. Strong assertive women do not use junior-high rudeness to show off the way you do, which defeats your purpose. You don't sound strong and assertive by constantly praising yourself, but like an anxious kid who is acting out because she saw her mommy attempt to do it. Strong independent women do not blame men for their failings and bad lot in life, unlike men. You take pride in how you "speak up when you're disrespected", but you could not care less when a man does the same. You are the sexist one, unlike men who take sexist-nonsense in stride, and you do a disservice to the decent women who are not hypocritical manipulative stereotypes. That's why other women cannot stand your type either. Mature, then speak about such topics.("froggyandtoadie".. aw.how cute)


Your knowledge of how women think astounds me. Again, you are the only one crying about unfair treatment. You are turning this into a man vs. women argument and I have no idea why. Listen, I’m so sorry you have it so tough out there. I had no idea the pain it was causing you to have to tolerate the horrible burden that sexism places on you.🤣
You don’t know me. You have no idea what “type” I am. Instead of lumping all women into certain categories, maybe you could look at women as individuals. Try asking a female a question instead of assuming to know what “type” she falls into. You might learn something.
What is it you find so threatening about assertive females? I’m showing off of course because I have an opinion. I really should learn my place, right?
I’m not blaming men for anything, I’m simply saying quit crying because a girl said mean things to you. If a female is disrespectful to you, just handle it instead of crying about all the unfair ways men are treated. If anyone is ever disrespectful to you, speak up for yourself! It’s that simple.
Also, I’m pretty sure I’ve never called myself mature. You’re just spewing hatred because you can’t stand losing an argument to a woman!
My point was, females have dealt with sexist comments and behaviors since forever, so I’m not gonna shed a tear over a man getting his feelings hurt because some chick said something mean to him. I’m sorry your mom fed you formula instead of breastmilk, but it’s time to let that go and put on your big boy pants.
Originally I thought you were sexist, but due to your complete lack of knowledge about females I see now that you’re just some bitter, pathetic virgin. Stop blaming all women for your inadequacies.



Now orson, I appreciate your thoughtful reply. Is it possible you are overlooking all the insults productionnow threw at me because he’s a MALE??!!
You sound like a real gem hun.
I’ll never understand why men are so insecure about outspoken females. You neandrathals are so quick to assume any female with an opinion is some man-hating feminazi. I never once said women can do everything men can do, but I assure you orson, there is nothing I’ve said here that I wouldn’t say in person right to your face. However I do hope threatening to punch a girl in the face will make you feel better and relieve you of whatever big strong man insecurities you’re having. It’s been fun boys but I gotta go. I’ll come check on y’all later if you big tough guys wanna come at me some more.


Whether you've been "listening to bullshit sexist comments your entire life", it's still a double standard. And you're making a joke about a person's body, something they had no control over. I never understood arguments like yours. "A,B,C,D and E all made fun of me, so that means F, even though he did nothing to me, deserves criticism because he is a letter just like the rest of them".


I didn’t say it was ok to treat anyone disrespectfully. I don’t think that’s ok regardless of your sex. I’m just saying that you guys are crying about something that we females have dealt with our entire lives. Suck it up.


No one is complaining about it. The argument is "Are 'SMALL DICK JOKES/COMMENTS' considered offensive". By you saying: "I’m just saying that you guys are crying about something that we females have dealt with our entire lives" just shows you that the answer is yes.


Yes, I would assume small dick jokes would be offensive to men.
The op then asks if it matters because it’s a MALE issue. I’m sorry, I just don’t consider little dick jokes to be an issue. It sounds ridiculous. I do feel bad about the op’s micro penis though because seriously, that’s gotta just suck.
The op then regurgitates a bunch of irrelevant crap having to do with liberals, bullies, and slander.
You’re right, I should’ve properly answered the yes or no question and kept my opinions to myself except.... IT’S A FUCKING DISCUSSION BOARD!!!


"I should’ve properly answered the yes or no question and kept my opinions to myself except.... IT’S A FUCKING DISCUSSION BOARD!!!"

I never said you did it improperly or that you should keep your opinions to yourself. I just pointed out that you did in fact answer it.

"I do feel bad about the op’s micro penis though because seriously, that’s gotta just suck."

You actually don't feel bad because you're assuming he has one and you keep using that like it's a negative.


Well it might have to do with boobs being more visible per say



Julia Roberts married a camera man


Elizabeth Taylor married a construction worker.


To anyone who thinks that women over-do breast augmentation surgery: the day they perfect penis enlargement, there will be a stampede to surgeons that will make the California Land Rush look like a walker race in an elder care facility. I’m not going to say which ethnicities will be leading the charge, but we all have a good idea. One of the many problems to ensue will be that the augmentees will fotget they have only 5 quarts of blood in their bodies and will insist on . . . augmentations that will make them pass out when they become excited.


I have no idea which ethnicities will be 'leading the charge' for penis enlargements...
Please, enlighten those of us who may know less about penis news than you Kane


He's an expert in that area.


He is an expert in every area and boy-howdy do we believe him!


I’ll enlighten you Yonkers! I’ll be leading the charge. At least there’s a purpose in penis enlargement. Is there any reason for fake tits besides being aesthetically pleasing to a man? In fact, when getting this surgery, women risk losing all sensation in their nipples. Why would any female risk that to “look better”? I don’t get it. How many dudes would get penis enlargements if they had to risk losing all feelings in their dicks?
I also have no clue what ethnicities has to do with it. That’s beyond me.


I require no enlightenment, but thanks for thinking of me:)


No, women get fake breasts to please themselves, and they also dress for other women.
Take responsibility for womens' actions like a mature lady instead of blaming men for your insecurities. There are plenty of men who could not care less if you had large breasts, unlike how women DO care if he's bald, though.


Thank you for explaining to me why women do what they do. Where did you find these fascinating facts about women?Wikipedia? Or you’re the spokesperson for all women with fake breasts?You’re just clueless dude. Blaming men for my insecurities?? You seem to think I am a man hater. I am not. The majority of my friends are dudes and they all treat me with the utmost respect. It’s only ignorant little boys like yourself that I have to check.
Yes, you’re correct. Men AND women can be superficial. Wtf is your point?
It seems to me kid, that YOU are in fact the one with insecurities, and I detect a bit of resentment towards women as well. Maybe you should quit flapping your gums long enough to actually listen to what women have to say instead of presuming to know what we all think.
Also, exactly what women’s actions am I supposed to be taking responsibility for? Lol!


You're right in that women often dress to impress other women. Probably because of "sizing up the competition" or something instinctive like that.

I don't care if a man has a big or small penis. I like one that makes me laugh and can handle my sense of humour.

As for small penis jokes, can't say I ever feel the need to make any.


True about the dressing.

With froggyandtoadie2 , it wouldn't take a shrink to figure her out. She seems to think every altercation is rooted in sexism, when in reality, it's about the person. I can imagine her looking for topics across the site--and in her everyday life-- where she can interject: " you're threatened by assertive women". It's not a question of a woman being outspoken and assertive, but a jerk in many cases. If a man disagrees with the poster, she can always fall back on "you're just threatened by an outspoken women". That, in itself, is receiving a free pass. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy in her case. She may have grown up in a household with a controlling father (or ex-boyfriend), or because announcing herself as outspoken and assertive is trendy and what she's obligated to do in today's times. Women have been outspoken and assertive for a very long time, but the poster only sees it through her short lifetime as something knew or unusual. Nobody is threatened by an outspoken assertive women, as long she's genuine and actually has something valid to say--and the same goes for men. She seems obsessed over the matter, and any relationship and friendship she has will be affected by it. And just when she's about to make a valid point, she types something childish which (in my opinion) ruins it for her. I could easily say that she's threatened by an assertive outspoken man, but she'd misconstrue that too.


Aww... you wrote an entire post about me? Although your opinions of me are completely unfounded, I’m flattered you took the time to incorrectly diagnose my psyche!
I’m sorry, I didn’t put much thought into who you are at all, but I just thought we were commenting on the topic at hand.
Am I the one who seems obsessed?


According to some surveys, Koreans have the smallest dicks in the world on average. I guess Kim Jong-un will be the first in line, since his wife must have even more trouble finding his dingdong under all that belly flab.


he's ronery



👆most awesome response of the week!
I actually did lol


And if he’s not circumcised, her task is even harder.

Oops. Bad choice of word.

And now you’re starting to grasp was I was getting at; but there’s more to come.


What's the difference between your dick and your sense of humor?

At least your dick makes people laugh!


Damn...that was mean AND funny


I didn't mean to be so HARD on him!


Oh, don't be such a softy


Well, don't get bent out of shape!


I hate to be a stiff but I'm going to sleep soon


Wet dreams! Uh, I mean, sweet dreams!


You think he really has a small dick or is he just screwing around ??


Shogie? I better not say!🤐


the OP. 😂😂😂😂


It's large, and it's spectacular!!!

*Seinfeld lol


I never doubted it for a second.


Oh no, he definitely has a small one. Men never lie about the size of their penis!


I know that never happens


Good one!
Just don't get a swollen head👺


If you don't read what I just said above to Mitch, things should go smoothly!😄


😂There’s no way these newbies can best you two! Too, too funny!


A guy who is "uncut" could not have a cutting sense of humor. 🙂🙂🙂


there are no little dicks - only enormous vaginas.




Is it cruel or merely thoughtless? Are people who take offense too sensitive? Answering those questions doesn't do much to change the fact that mocking people for their immutable characteristics is just ugly behavior. I place it in the "to be avoided" category and don't see the need to analyze it further. Deep contemplation of a steaming pile of horsesh*t will never make it smell any better.



would hormone injections during/post puberty have alleviated the condition ?


Well, I personally wouldn't be offended by said jokes, but I have sympathy for those that are self conscious about their size.

I won't mention how large I am. As people tend not to believe a perfectly reasonable size.
Let's just say that I've noticed about half the guys in porn are smaller than I am, but I'm still self conscious because the first person I had sexual experiences with told me that they'd had bigger.

Nowadays, I've been celibate for longer than seven years. I used to be able to get by on looks alone. I often feel as though I have little in the way of a true personality.
As far as sexual encounters go, being a generous lover and a good communicator seem fairly important. Pretty certain I'm neither.

I'm a bit annoyed by foreskin jokes, personally. I don't say anything when people make them, though. Even though I consider circumcision to be needless mutilation, I find circumcised penises generally more aesthetically pleasing.


Seven years. Wow.


Me too!😱😢😩😭


that's a long time.
