MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Nicknames for things other than people y...

Nicknames for things other than people you know.

Do you ever call things by a nickname or shortened version? I don't do this often anymore, but when I was a teenager I'd frequently call things by silly names.

The 2004 Battlestar Galactica series was known as 'Canadians in Space' when I'd bring it up.
Futurama got shortened to something pronounced few-chee. Never spelled out this abbreviation, but it'd probably be Futchy.

I'm sure I did this with other things, but those are the two instances that spring to mind.


I used to call The Tom & Jerry Comedy Show... Tom Jerry.


Dr. Phil=Dr. Shit


Dr. Swill?


If you could explain the meaning to me, I might be willing to give that one a try.


It's a sloppy liquid substance distributed to swine.


Seems fitting.


I call every car I drive 'The Silver Bullet' even though none of them were ever very fast...
This is of course not very cool but I'm damned if I care and I do prefer silver cars so here we are


I met this man with a TBI once who had trouble forming certain syllables, so he would come up with come creative alternate names for everyday objects. To this day I still occasionally refer to a sink as a "piddly bath".
