MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Here are the 10 countries where homosexu...

Here are the 10 countries where homosexuality may be punished by DEATH!

Gays should thank their lucky stars that they live here in the greatest country in the world, instead of one of these shit hole Muslim countries where they can be executed just for being gay.

And I cannot fathom why the Left is so protective of Muslims, when they are guilty of shit like this.



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How many people are actually killed for being homosexual? I think they have this weird idea about what a homosexual is like it has something to do with being effeminate and so everyone has sex with men, but none of them are "homosexual".

The Washington Post just wants Trump to invade their countries and kill everyone, gay and straight alike.


I don't know how many gays have been executed in these countries, but I do know they makes life miserable for gays:

And the Washington Post wants Trump to invade these countries?? Why on earth would a Liberal Paper like the Washington Compost want that? That's crazy talk, Bro!



"Gays should thank their lucky stars that they live here in the greatest country in the world,"

Do gay people only exist in your country? lol.

I don't think it's that "the left" are protective of Muslims but more so that they want to point out the hypocrisy of people condemning the religion when it isn't any worse than other religions.


Islam isn't any worse than other religions? If you've read the Quran, you wouldn't be claiming this. Their book commands to fight and kill all who don't believe in their god, Allah (Surah 9:29). That theology in itself disqualifies the claim that Islam isn't any worse than other religions in regards to violence. In most Islamic countries, women and homosexuals have less rights than those who live in the United States. So yes, they should be grateful to be able to freely express their lifestyle with no fear of legal persecution in the United States.


Amen! Yes, in most Muslim countries women are at best, second class citizens, at worst mere property.



Ok, I'll admit that I was wrong that it isn't any worse, but that certainly doesn't mean other religions are good. They're built on fear and most religions teach hatred, with people blindly following it.
The Bible may not say to kill all who don't believe in their God, but how many people have killed due to their Christian faith?

Religion destroys humanity and is one of the many things wrong with the world. Whether that's non-believers killing believers or vice versa, there's no denying it's done nothing but divide society.


Okay, I stand corrected. They're lucky to live ANYWHERE other than those 10 countries.

But it's NOT hypocrisy. Islam IS different from ALL other religions. It's the only religion which instructs its disciples to convert or KILL non believers. That was the point of 9-11, to KILL as many non believers as possible. And that's why ISIS kills gays, because they are not considered part of their "religion". What part of that do you not understand?



That's true, they are lucky - so is anyone who lives in a first world country. That doesn't make homophobia/sexism/racism/etc ok in first world countries though.

In my reply above I admitted I was wrong about it not being any worse than other religions. However, Muslims are not the only people who kill for the sake of their religion. Other religious people (whatever their religion may be) have also killed people due to the prejudice beliefs drilled into their brain by said religion.

It definitely is hypocrisy to only condemn Islam for those actions if it happens within your own choice of religion.


Name another contemporary religion whose adherents kill for their religion. Go ahead, and don't go back into history,
I said contemporary.

You can't because there aren't any.




Wasn't there a man just this year in USA who deliberately crashed his car into a Planned Parenthood? not resulting in any deaths but that as clearly the aim.
Just a couple of years ago there was a shooting in a Planned Parenthood, with the shooter claiming it was the God's work.

Obviously, The Bible isn't telling them to commit such acts but they still did it in the name of their religion. So Pro-Life that they... killed for that belief. Logic.

Anyway, my only argument is that religion, and I must say mostly all religions, cause more hate than love in the world and does nothing but divide humanity.


Okay, let me restate that, there is no religion other than Islam which urges its adherents to KILL non believers.

These are two isolated incidents by madmen, and nobody can stop madmen, regardless of their religion or lack thereof, from doing stuff like that. Madmen do stuff like this all the time.

But Christianity did NOT tell them to do it, nor does it tell its adherents to KILL non believers. Islam actually instructs its adherents to convert or KILL non believers.



I wish I could buy all the people who bitch about America vacation packages to the shitholes of this Earth. Nobody knows how good they have it here. They're measuring our society against DREAMS for fucks sake.


A lot of progressives don't understand that the assertion of non-assimilated cultures in the U.S will completely undermine and destroy the foundation and constitution that the country was founded on. It's like they want to rid themselves of their constitutional right to choose and express their freedom of religion, political views, and free market.


As much as I want to savor them being pulled into the streets to be executed with a "What happened?" look on their faces, i'm one of the many who will strive to save them from their stupidity.


AMEN, TandyMan!



Sorry some of those countries are non white, non christian and on the UN Human rights council. I love it when the SJW nutters get bitten by their own monster.


Amen and Touche! And why the SJWs don't realize how evil these people are, is beyond me.



They seem to be very narrow minded in their belief system. White/Male = Bad. Everything else = Good.





Yeah..and while they are punishing gays, they are cheating on their wife with men due to cowardice. What "lucky" wives.


Because tolerance is not a dichotomic concept. People who live under oppressive governments should not be condemned or judged by the few who hold power. Any religion can be corrupted and used as propaganda for political means.


People who live under oppressive governments should rise up and throw off their shackles. And Islam is still the only "religion" which calls for its adherents to convert or KILL non believers.



Like the Arab Spring?


Yeah, like that.

