His miserable life became the basis for the 2006 Oscar-winning film "The Departed," which starred Jack Nicholson as a character modeled on Bulger. In 2015, actor Johnny Depp played Bulger in the film "Black Mass."
Interesting that the details on how he died during his prison transfer is not revealed in the article. It's very telling that his own brother became an upstanding, respected citizen of society while he became a notorious criminal, both growing up with their family in the Mary Ellen McCormack Housing Project in South Boston.
Very suspicious i would say...
He was beaten to death and had his eyes gouged out the DAY after he transfered to West Virginia?!?
Something doesn't seem right...not that anyone is crying for that maniac but still, nothing gets planned and put into motion that quickly
There is a bone to pick here
See, this is why reporting stinks nowadays
One report stated a gang with a shiv beat him to death and took his eyes...
Another site stated that a single gangland dude was being held for the slaying
Well, anyway he's most certainly dead...i just wish the news could agree on certain facts
It'll only happen over a period of time, especially when it comes to breaking news and sometimes maybe never. This is exactly why I get my news from a wide variety of sources, in order to compare those facts.
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Yeah, it's the exclusivity aspect for sure but expecting them to stop that competitiveness in our society is unrealistic.
If it sounds "rushed" it's because it is. Too often, correspondents in the field appear hyped on too much caffeine and sugar, often redundant in their rhetoric because they're desperate just to keep the narrative going.
Shogun: I read that they have a man in custody that they suspect, he is a Greek hitman that was in prison. The biggest complaint I read was stated by a former Prison Warden who said, "you don't put a high visibility prisoner like Bulger in general population, that warden just was setting Bulger up to be killed. Especially an older guy in a wheelchair."
The hitman was a guy that hated men that hurt women and Whitey was known to have killed women so that was part of it.