MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The Great MC Feel Good Challenge!

The Great MC Feel Good Challenge!

This is a sort of follow-up, and in ways the antithesis to the Junk Food thread I posted a week ago πŸ˜„. Another member (you know who you are) encouraged it, and added the idea that we use it to help encourage and support one another in our goals.

Want to lose a few pounds? Finally clean out your garage or fridge? Walk around the block every day, twice a week, or run 5 miles? Call and/or meet with that old friend you've been meaning to call or get together with? Replace one meal a day, or twice a week, or once a week with a healthy salad? Watch a movie or TV show that makes you laugh or otherwise feel good? Read a book you've been meaning to read?

Whatever will make you feel better, or good, it's completely up to you!

I need to shed a few pounds and get into better shape, plus another couple dozen things πŸ˜‚. I thought having a dog again, who's a pretty active guy, would help, and no doubt it is, but the two good walks a day are apparently not enough 😬

Also would feel a lot better if I could get the moving boxes with stuff I haven't room for out of here. Sheesh, I moved months ago.

There's a lot more, but this will do for now.

What about you? What would make you feel better if you did or didn't do it? Got any goals?


For me, it's not just losing a few pounds, it's that I need to be more active, period. I spend far too much time sitting these days. It's not just hanging out here or watching TV, it's all the reading I finally have time to do. I can read for hours. (Which reminds me, there's another book I want to request from the library...done.) All together, too much time spent sitting on my tush.


I get you. That's why I wanted to suggest things as easy to do as walk around a block once a day, or even twice a week. About a year ago I couldn't even get myself to do that! Too exhausted, all the time. We've all gotta start somewhere, right? πŸ‘


So true. I keep reminding myself that it's going to be hard at first, but that it will get easier. I got my bike refurbished (as a safety thing) recently and made my first ride in years (πŸ˜” shame on me). I loved it. But now it's too cold. I may sneak in a ride here and there, but that's over until spring. Something to look forward to, right? And "they" say the secret is to find something you love doing, whether it's walking, jogging, swimming, biking, or gardening even, anything to get you going. Too bad reading doesn't cut it!


Good for you, getting your bike refurbished and going for your first ride for a while!

I thought about that, it soon turning too cold for people in some parts of our world to be able to comfortably do much in the way of outdoor types of activities, if that's what they thought would make them feel good, or at least better. But there are always some things you can do, if'n you want to.

I don't know if there even are blocks where you live, but either way, unless it's truly too cold, blizzarding, hailing, or too rainy, a short walk is a lot better than none. Then there are inside activities. For a long time I've been meaning to look up some yoga or tai chi videos on YouTube, and trying one or more out. I need to DO this, not just think about it for ages!!

Ha! Yeah, too bad reading doesn't burn calories or tone us up πŸ˜„


I love to walk around my neighborhood and I'll keep doing it as long as the weather is decent. My local park that is just 2-1/2 blocks away has two walking/biking trails around the lake - an inner and an outer trail, depending on how far you want to walk. It's one of my favorite places to head when I head out. Too treacherous once the snow hits, though. We have sidewalks in my neighborhood too, and I enjoy zig-zagging around here with no particular destination - just looking around at things people have done to their homes and yards, etc.


Oh wow, having two trails around a *lake*, that sounds wonderful to me. It must be amazing in spring, and autumn.

I like doing the same thing, walking around my (new) neighbourhood, looking at all the houses, seeing what they've done with their yards, meeting them, chatting with them a bit, looking at the hills, the clouds in the sky (if any), the light, all of that. Good thing, because this dog requires a *lot* of it, and more πŸ˜„

Have you ever tried yoga or tai chi? (If not, me either! Okay, *once* I tried a yoga video on YT, but meh.) I think I might like tai chi better, because it's constant, graceful movement. Kind of like dance. A slow dance.

You're right that if it's physical activity you're after (and I am too), it's important to find something you like doing.


I tried yoga on my Wii once upon a time, but my body doesn't do those things anymore. And the creepy voice telling me what I wasn't doing right was...well, creepy! Tai chi is probably not in my ballpark, either. I do like to put on some bouncy music and dance 'cuz, you know, no one's watching. Tee hee.


There are all kinds of different levels of yoga, so it sounds like you watched one that was too far above what you'd be interested in. A creepy voice wouldn't help! Tai chi is very gentle and fluid, so you might want to give that a try, if you're interested. But if not, putting on some bouncy music and dancing around the house, πŸ‘!

I'm totally down with that. Today I did that a bit and wondered why in the heck I haven't done that more. Feels great, is fun, and as a bonus, Mijo loves it!


I love this thread Cat😼❀️
Sign me up for losing my last 15 pounds...

If i get down to High School weight im gonna kiss 'ya sweetie😘



Good going my man! Last I remember you had 30+to made strides this summerπŸ‘


A little bit to go
I will get it done

Always doπŸ˜‰


Dang, you're doing great! Good for you! I wish...


just trying to be all fit for babes like you😘


Yay, glad to see you joining in, Shogie!

Your *last* 15? Good on ya! Do you want to set any timeline for your goal, or leave it open and loose? Whatever *you* want, you've got my support, and I'll look forward to that kiss!


I think i need two not a gym guy or anything
Two months to drop 15 sounds reasonable

I will also try to stretch a little (ladies are awesome at Yoga, i will just try to stretch a bit as i am not very agile)


I am exercising more recently and it does make me feel good, but I need to do more.

It took me years to get over a number of compulsions like smoking weed, drinking, caffiene, and obsessive compulsion. I am not really over any of them, but I don't engage in the destructive things any more. Cessation of all those things has made me a lot healthier and feel a lot better.

YOGA! Yoga makes you feel good and is good for you. I want to do a lot more of it.


I feel the same way, exercising more recently, but need to do more if I'm going to get to where I want to get, and know I'll feel a lot better when I do.

I give you major props for getting over, or through, or whatever you want to call it, these things. You've mentioned them before, and good for you! πŸ‘

Do you go to a yoga studio, or ... ?

I found out shortly after I moved in here my very nice next door neighbour is a yoga instructor and has a studio on her property. In theory, I have no excuse to not go. I mean, come ON, she's right next door! The problem is it starts early, and I'm not always an early riser, but I really should make the effort to set the alarm and try it out, at least *once.* If I like it, great! How much more convenient could it be (time aside), if not, I'll know.


I took a yoga class in college, and now I self study. However I would do it more often and gain more benefit from doing a class at the gym that I go to.

Go to that yoga class! It will make you feel so good if you do it regularly. You'll have trouble early rising at first, but eventually you'll wake up very rested very early ready to go to yoga.


How do you self study? As a life-long self studier in many other things, this intrigues me.

Does your gym offer yoga classes? Sounds like it does, and it's up for you to decide how much you want to do that.

OKAY! You've talked me into it. Next Wednesday morning, come hell or high water, I WILL go to that class. It may be I only go to it once, and that's okay, but I've got to at least try it.


Get "Light on Yoga" by B.K.S. Iyengar, read it and follow it. It's all you need to know about the philosophy and asanas (poses) of yoga. Yoga is about breathing and settling the mind as much as it is shaping the body. This book contains pictures that are very helpful with Iyengar, the man who brought yoga to the west, performing the poses. Don't do yoga where they crank the heat up. You should do it at normal room temp. Hot yoga (bikram or others) will definitely make you sweat, but it fools you into thinking you're getting the therapy you need. You need to gain a self awareness of all parts of your body, and the mind-body connection. Heat distracts from that. This is my opinion obviously.


As the defining embodiment of physical is difficult for me to take part in this thread...but as I enjoy catbookss topics...I will dig deep so I can partake in this fun and lively conversation!πŸ‘

Upon close examination and deep soul searching I've come to the conclusion that it is...the SMACK! Now I've been a strong advocate for a better lifestyle through chemistryπŸ‘ and have indulged in a cornucopia of mind altering substances...but I'm feeling that the hunt for the ever fleeing Dragon has proven to be my match!πŸ‘Ž This is not like my romance with cocaine...she and I have a rhythm. Dancing with Mr. Brownstone has the rhythm of a square dance with feces hurling howler monkeysπŸ™ˆπŸ’©πŸ™‰πŸ’©πŸ™ŠπŸ’©

And then...the speedballing😱 I'm no doctorπŸ˜‰ but I'm sure even if I played one on television...I'd know that THAT...besides being AMAZINGπŸ‘...has some long term goal restrictionsπŸ’‰πŸ˜·

Then there's the....balloonsπŸŽˆπŸ’€ I was going through one In a week. Now it's past fourπŸ‘Ž this is my a member of this site😒 I accidentally texted this member my skag order...four balloons🎈🎈🎈🎈😭😭😭 rock bottom occurred while preparing for my nephews birthday party. We forgot to get balloons...but I had a drawer full of empties...seeing all those balloons brought me to my knees. I wept like a child while blowing up dozens of them😩


It's understandably difficult to participate in a thread such as this when you've already attained perfection in all ways, except perhaps in the partaking of SMACK, aka horse, etc. Chasing ye olde dragon, this can be a formidable opponent, but clearly not for one of the likes of you. EXCEPT for those exrta pounds hanging about. Other than that, nil, zilch. and void, that the rest of us mere mortals may struggle with from time to time.

So, how many pounds do you want to shed, DF?


Damn f near all of themπŸ˜‚


🀣🀣those dag-blasted howler monkeys!
You sir, are amusing.


The Dragon never sleeps. I've slain it several times. Mind-altering substance of choice was adrenaline.

I haven't ridden it, but I'm told that the Cherohala Skyway, in the same neck of the woods, is just as fun & scenic, without as much truck traffic or law-enforcement monitoring.


I think we all would like to lose a few pounds. But I eat very light and healthy for a week and work out, but nothing happens! It would be great if it had some effect!


Daily fasting has worked for me Stratego
I try to only eat once every 24 hours, around 6 PM (i do drink liquids though)
I eat about 8-10 times a week and its painful but i lost about 60 pounds in two years by fooling my system with minimal work outs and constant hunger

The body WILL eat the fat...just keep active
*none of this is scientific and i am NOT a doctor and maybe everyone is a bit different

Between my job, commute and chores, little workouts and starving almost at my goal


Eating only once every 24 hours?! No way I could do that! I like food way too much!😱

But good job, buddy, I hope you'll reach your goal very soon!πŸ‘


Its not so bad if you fill your belly with water pretty often (one does need to pee a lot doing this but whatever)
8 more weeks or so!!

Im killing this goal
Gonna hang it from the rafters like Grendels arm:)


Strat, I realize that you may already know what I’m about to suggest, but it’s a very helpful weight-loss strategy, so I’m willing to take the risk of hubris: Eat more, as in β€œeat more often.” Folks who want to lose weight should eat every 3 hours that they’re awake. Obviously, you eat small meals. Eat a sensible breakfast, lunch and dinner, but have a meal between each of them: some trail mix, some fruit, a pizza slice, and so on. I drink a can of Ensure, the nutrition supplement drink. I don’t have to keep it refrigerated, I don’t have to prepare it, I can drink it in 2 minutes. I’m in sales, and I need to be be available to
the sales floor. If I can work this dining regimen into my routine, anybody can. I know that this sounds counterintuitive. How does eating more often help us to lose weight? It does it by keeping our metabolism constantly elevated, by providing it with fuel to keep chugging along. When we get hungry, the body LOWERS our metabolism as a defense against famine. Having 3 BIG meals a day also makes us sluggish AND reduces our metabolism, as our blood surrounds the stomach to digest the large meal. Eating every 3 hours also makes us more alert, efficient, productive and happy.

And when you work out, do your cardio AFTER you do your resistance training. The resistance training will deplete your blood sugar, so your body will be forced to burn its fat tissue.


I've got to cut out my chain smoking, It's costing me a small fortune plus my fitness isn't that great either due to it.


This is a great thread Cat!

Something that would make me feel better overall is a better job or being promoted at my current job. Maybe one of these days one of those awful women will leave and I'll take a full time position but I don't like holding my breath. I've thought about applying in neighboring towns at Walmart for a supervisor position or at another Dollar store but I'd have to move and I have zero funds for that. I really enjoy living in this town too.
