MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > New here. How does this site work?

New here. How does this site work?

I'm still searching for an IMDB replacement. I had hopes for IMDB 2, but it's meh. Some of the popular boards are controlled by trolls. You can't even have a conversation. The general boards aren't bad, but I was hoping for something similar to IMDB.

Is this a replica of IMDB? What boards are popular here? Who created this place?


This is the closest you'll get to imdb.

Jim created this place. Now got get the individual movie/actor/director boards as active as the general discussion board and we'll be almost the imdb board clone.


This is a forum seeded by IMDB archieved posts. They are not 100% complete, but good enough.

The most popular boards here are this one, the General Discussion and also Donald Trump's boards. Superhero movies boards are also fan favorites.

The creator of this site is known as Jim. If you found posts by Jim in red letters, that's him.

Welcome to Moviechat!


Superhero movies boards are also fan favorites.

Thank God. The Marvel, DC, and Star Wars boards at IMDB 2 are a mess. You can't have a conversation there. They are overrun by a group of trolls.


Well, every superhero board here has a couple trolls. Most notably this guy who calls anyone who likes Marvel movies a 'Marveltard'.


You can post anything in the General Discussion, or you can page down to other choices like "I need to know" all kinds of music, books, politics, etc. Just about everything you would ever want. Have fun! I'm an ex-IMDB user, and like MovieChat a lot better.


Thanks, Simone!


Welcome aboard! And as Cat says, this is the closest you'll get to IMDB.





A 3 year bump. Well done.


I know this guy, he's been around for years

Who the hell are you?!?
