The one and only season of Emerald City, a series I started off hating and ended up loving. I loved it for two reasons: (1) Ana Ularu’s bravura (yes! bravura! on a network TV show!) performance as West, as in The Wicked Witch of the; and (2) for the stunningly-composed cinematography. The only other boxed sets that are in my library are the one and only season of American Gothic (the great one with Gary Cole, not the more recent one), and the Indiana Jones collection, with the first three films. I have every film in the Underworld series (c’mon: werewolves plus Kate Beckinsake in a catsuit and me being a very healthy man!), but they were all acquired individually. Oh! And a boxed set of every film made by the legendary Andy Sidaris, titled Guns, Girls and G-Strings.