MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What’s On The Menu For Your Oktoberfest?

What’s On The Menu For Your Oktoberfest?

If we're going to be talking about upcoming holidays, it's not too long till one of my faves, Oktoberfest, which actually starts the next-to-last week of September, around the time of the Autumnal Eqinox. Tons of beer, food and schtupping: who could ask for anything more?

3 kegs of Dopplespaten dark, and a very long straw; also, funnels.

Lemon-and-thyme-scrubbed-rotisserie-roasted chickens

Stacks of potato pancakes

Roasted ham hocks

Roast pork tenderloins smothered in brown mustard and onions

Cabbage-and-apple sauerkraut

Grilled sardines

Wurstl, a Bavarian sausage. Bavaria, home of my ancestors, is the home of Oktoberfest. Also, lots of mustard.

Big soft pretzels

A guy playing a tuba

How about you? What's on your Oktoberfest board?


I'm enjoying it already! Many of the bars I frequent are on the IPA kick...which is fine👍
But I prefer a nice Amber to dark lager...and almost all have gotten thei seasonal Oktoberfest on tap all is well😀


I can barely tell the difference between one beer and another. Sure there are light commercial lagers and heavier craft IPAs and Ambers, but I just don't have the palate for such discernment. Things taste good from one moment to the next, but I can't develop a timeline where I remember what was superior and flavorful to what might have seemed watery and flat.
I guess my brain isn't complex in that way.


Oh my god that all sounds amazing. I'm particularly interested in that apple sauerkraut. Homemade or a local brand?


Homemade. You can find recipes online. Really good cabbage sauerkraut is sweet on its own; but, with so many pork and poultry dishes on the menu, apples are a picquent addition. Bavaria IS inventive!

As an aside, another one of my favorite fermented cabbage side dishes is Korean Kimchee. It is available commercially, or there are recipes online, in degrees of hotness ranging from G to Call The Fucking Fire Department. The cabbage is cut MUCH thicker than the shredded cabbage in sauerkraut, but it might interest you for more robust dining, like Buffalo chicken, or Korean dishes like Bul Go Gi. I love Kimchee. You may, or may not. Traditionally, homemade Kimchee is fermented by burying it in the ground. I always found that kind of cool.


All of that sounds so good! I love this time of year!
I must say, I have had Kimchee. Very good! In the Army, we had this Sgt. He was married to this lovely Korean lady. They would have gatherings at their home often. She always made the most delicious food. While I like Sauerkraut, (my mother made ours and fermented it in a big crock at home) I had never heard of Kimchee until she introduced me to it. Hers was spicy, but apparently not in the"Call The Fucking Fire Department" category.
I think the thing that intrigued me was the way in which it was fermented. She showed me the kimchee pots she used. I always found that pretty cool.

There is a small town about 10 miles from ours where they have a big Pumpkin/Oktoberfest on the first weekend in October. Lots of activities, music, great food and of course, the BEER! We have always gone and have a wonderful time.


I've played around making my own sauerkraut many times. My favorite would probably be Garlic-Dill. I'm a big fan of fermented foods, so theres also usually a jar of Kimchee in the fridge.


My impression is that the vast majority of MC posters are big fans of fermented beverages🥃.


Don't take this the wrong way but ...
If I'm on Fire, I'll call the Fire Department. If I want a Fuck-fest, I'll call the Fucking Fire Department.
And I'm glad all these wonderful things can be found on-line. Do you eat your food on-line, too? Must be yummy, haha.


Beer of any kind served by women with incredibly large breasts in tight Bavarian dresses.


Sorry Mr. Kane but I am crashing your party. Can't help myself!

My mouth is watering.


Well, a picture IS worth a thousand words.


Did you notice I left out the Grilled sardines? But everything else is great!


👍Thank you, Sandman!!!! You have brought R_Kane's menu to life! Well... almost.
I'm hungry! Thirsty too!🥃


You are welcome MissMargo. Just posting those pictures made my mouth water!


I had nothing planned but now charlie and I are crashing. all sounds and looks delicious! :D


Everyone here is most welcome. I think this section of MC can do with many more life-affirming topics and thought. Perhaps this party will tempt M. Frog to hop back. thewaitress, I love sharing my cultural heritage with folks like you and charliekellie. I suspect (and you can confirm or deny this) that you two skallywags are of Celtic/Irish heritage, which, if so, have always seemed to be people who have embraced and enjoyed me. That makes me happy. Think about it: (1) We need all the festivals that we can get. (2) We have Labor Day at the start of September. We have Hallowe’en (All Hallow’s Eve, or, to Wiccans, whose Holy Day it is, Samhain), on October 31st. Why do we want to go so long absent a festival? Make your own Oktoberfest! It could be something as simple as beer, hot dogs, other sausages, sauerkraut, mustard, hamburgers and onions (an old German prescription to cure sore throats) and the music of Richard Wagner. Just bust loose and have fun!


Oh, hell, I’ll even include Reuben and Rachel sandwiches (they were Long Island husband and wife; he won a Best Sandwich Contest for his Reuben (corned beef, Russian/Thousand Islands dressing, sauerkraut and Swiss cheese plus pickles melt on dark Rye bread), and then he did the Rachel for his mate, which substituted Pastrami
as the meat and light Rye as the bread). The time for Oktoberfest is NOW! ENJOY!!

And, if bier does not appeal to you, you have Oktoberfest alternatives: schnapps, of various flavors, and, for those who favor wine (of which the Fatherland produces only whites), Gerwurtztraiminer, and Liebfraumalich.


German food is heavy. Death by a thousand cold cuts.


Haha. I got that.


Beer, Beer, and more Beer.
Or maybe I should have said, Bier, Bier, and more Bier.
