As September 14th approacheth...
Let us spare a moment to consider our former MC-er croft_alice, whose addiction to Tomb Raider and Resident Evil was without end.
Alas his addiction to telling tall trolling tales was his downfall and he won't be here to celebrate the release tomorrow of some or other Tomb Raidery nonsense folderol or some such thing.
It is to be hoped that he enjoys said Game and that his fellow FB -ers indulge him....well at least we know NZer will be kind.
Sadly this may also mean that Croft Appreciation Day (CAD for short) on 31st September may be cancelled. I request that the honourable member MJF furnish us with clarification. The caterers must be cancelled, the cardboard cutouts burned and the Romanian tambourine playing trio sent home.
But in our darkest hour, let us rejoice in the knowledge that Tomorrow we will not have to wake up to a billion threads about it. #smallmercy