If your username wasn't your username
What would it be?
If I was not called PeteRose, I would want to be known as Atreyu, or Eustace.
What would it be?
If I was not called PeteRose, I would want to be known as Atreyu, or Eustace.
I would pick a favorite actor like Bogart or something Canadian like Canuck or MapleSyrup.
shareTasteytootsies...scrumpsioussoles...delectablelilpigs...or stinkhammer
Nothingrhymeswithorange...3skin...7head...punchkey...or pinto!
I guess you really like feet. It reminds of the song "Double Team" by tenacious D with the lyrics:
It's KG with the feather and the French tickler
Look out baby, he got the tools
And then you feel something down by your feet
It's me, it's JB
I'm sucking upon your toes
We don't mind sucking on toes...
I might go with a character from a favorite movie, like Pink or Dade
shareTough one. I've been Catbookss for so long, it's hard for me to think of myself any other way at this point.
Probably something whimsical and nonsensical. Not that I can think of a single one right now.
I've been PeteRose for 15 years. It's tough to imagine it any other way, but sometimes I fantasize about a different identity.
shareAnd you didn't choose it because of baseball...right? How'd you land on it?
shareWhen I created my username on imdb, there was a banner ad for Pete Rose's autobiography. I didn't know anything about him, but I really liked the sound of his name. It has a really smooth quality that I liked. Also the number of letters and syllables is really close to my real name. It has a poetic ring. I chose it more for the way it sounds than anything to do with the ball player. I like the way it sounds, like the words "cellar door." I had it for so long I just started seeing Pete or PeteRose as my name, like I know that's me with as instant of recognition as I have for my real name.
shareI tried to find me a new one, just to put IMDb & Filmboards behind...
I'm pop-actor...What can I do? I'm the great one.