MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Wait....women don't like being called ma...

Wait....women don't like being called ma'am?

I mean sugar tits I can understand...but Ma'am?Really???


Calling them ma'am makes them feel old and possibly like a spinster.


Really? I only met one person who really disliked being called ma' was bigjackrutgers if I recall
Correctly...he said it was misogynistic.


where i grew up- nobody says ma'am. (NE America)
Was called maam the first time in the Florida pan handle and was shocked, "I look like a Ma'am?" So yea, it felt wrong, I was young. Right now I'm in the southwestern US, and I'm totally used to it now. Depends where you live where you from.


i'd love to be called sugar tits.

in private.


Well obviously in can't just say "hey sugar they hangin?" out in public! But if you did...the answer would be...sweetly๐Ÿ˜‚


just leave out the 'hangin' part.


Good point๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘


"Hey sugar tits... how they?"


Hoe art thou, sugar tits?




You're just now finding this out? ๐Ÿ˜‚

Hate it. Hate the sound of the word, and yes, makes me feel ancient. The first time someone called me ma'am, I was 20, and so shocked! He wasn't a southerner, so it wasn't that either ๐Ÿ˜‚


Gimme a break! I only found out about sugar boobies last week๐Ÿ˜‚ you see what I did there right...boobies๐Ÿ˜‰


Then we're even. I just now learned about sugar boobies ๐Ÿ˜‚.

I see what you did there, you!




i hate the way cops say it. There's a tone of derision.


I hate the way cops say anything๐Ÿ˜‚




Except...gimme two powdered jellies...they deliver that with authority!๐Ÿ˜‚


oh man, i would love a jelly donut about now.




I want one of those Polish jelly donuts you posted about! They look ๐Ÿ˜‹


Pฤ…czki...OMG!!! wait for Lent!!!


I just ran a search. My area is completely devoid of paczki ๐Ÿ˜ก


Oh yeah...Pittsburg...chicago...where ever hownos lives...has them year West coasters might not even get them during lent...but GOOD GOD!


Some parts of the US get them year-round, even in parts of Canada, but we get none *ever*?

This is an injustice that needs to be addressed immediately!! (Seriously immediately. I'm totally craving one, or four.)


Anti polish Tom foolery!


It's an outrage, an OUTRAGE, I tells ya!

(But seriously, I WANT SOME! What's in the filling?)


Everything awesome! Blue berry ,strawberry ,raspberry ,apple ,lemon ,custard....more that I ant remember.
I go for blueberry powdered...but none really suck...maybe lemon...but somebody must like them๐Ÿ˜‚


Toronto Df. I will get me some of those donuts before too long.


I'll envy you.


I'll envy you even more than DF, because they aren't available here at all, any time of the year ๐Ÿ˜ก


The Detroit area has LOTS of Poles (I want to say Polacks and not mean anything bad by it but ...), but I will admit my family didn't go in for much ethnic cuisine. We were very mainstream comfort food oriented.


Well if jelly donuts are comfort been missing out๐Ÿ˜ฑ


Nothing beats a jelly-filled donut.


Can't argue with that!


First time someone called me sir...I said...finally! My white male entitlement has arrived!!! The kid told me I had toilet paper stuck to my pant leg๐Ÿ˜ณ


๐Ÿ˜‚ That was a plus and a minus, all rolled into one!



It does convey age. Look it up. Nor is it an equivalent to "sir," except in the southern states.

Yes, I'd rather someone call me nothing, and simply treat me as another human being. Manners aren't conveyed in forms of address, but the way one person treats another.



You can think whatever you like. Guess what? I can too.

There are many women who dislike being called ma'am. Obviously, else this thread wouldn't exist. If you want to ignore that, and carry on referring to people in ways many of them dislike, that's up to you.

I prefer being courteous and respectful. Calling me "nothing" has nothing to do with being inarticulate. I don't call men "sir," either. No point to it. We all just human beings.

I'm not a millennial ๐Ÿ˜‚

Sounds to me like you're the one who's outraged and looking for an argument. Look elsewhere.




Not worth responding to, except to say you're not worth responding to ๐Ÿ˜‚

Good luck with being such an angry person, who doesn't care about how others feel.


since people are not serious abut the topic, then I will delete and move on.


WOW! even by one side of the conversation...I can tell that went south๐Ÿ˜‚
Now full disclosure...I sometis(could be always๐Ÿ˜‰) say ma'am๐Ÿ˜ฑ I can't speak for others...but mine was my upbringing. And since posting I've observed how I use it. I've found I mostly use it as an answer....especially on the phone. Are you familiar with this part of town?...yes ma'am. Also I use it to be fun. Would you like another beer?...YES MA'Am!!! But I also use sir the same way๐Ÿ˜ I find the age of the person has nothing to do with it....just my (evidently failed)attempt at being friendly๐Ÿ˜ฆ and as a big guy that can be intimidating...I find a smile and a friendly word to be helpful when meeting new or unfamiliar people. I also call children young men and maybe I'm just hopelessly out of touch๐Ÿ˜‚ don't get me started on holding doors๐Ÿ˜‰


It did. Too bad, could have been a learning experience, but oh well.

I know there are quite a few people who call others "ma'am" and "sir," or "mister," because they were brought up to do that, especially in the south, including you. I think originally it was meant to be a sign of respect, but times change, dontcha know ๐Ÿ˜‚

I'm totally down with people using "ma'am" ironically or in fun. I've done it too. Say a woman says something in a particularly authoritative way, I might answer "Yes, ma'am!" Or like with you ordering another beer or whatever. Or a friend, saying whatever where it seems like an appropriate and funny reply.

Same with "Yes, sir!" Usually just in fun.

I hold doors open for *everyone*. Their age or gender doesn't matter. To me it's just a courtesy.


Also, ma'am is just weird. It's an American contraction of Madam. Rhymes with spam and ham, not an attractive word ๐Ÿ˜‚


HAM??? Nothing is sexier than HAM! Later I'll tell a story that proves it! might lose some respect for me๐Ÿ˜‰but not much๐Ÿ˜‚


HAM is sexy? Who knew? ๐Ÿ˜‚

Is SPAM sexy too??

I don't want to lose respect for you, but I'm not ruling out that it's possible ๐Ÿ˜‚


Canned meat is vile...even if it is supposedly spiced ham!
But ham is the very definition of sexy๐Ÿ‘ at least for me in the 90s it was...story later๐Ÿ˜‰


Miss or Mrs.


Oh, but actionkaman, that will give the female a reason to say "don't call me Miss", I am married!". ..and on and on. Be grateful they address you at all.


Which is fine, I guess?

On the other hand, you can call women ma'am all right. If they don't like it so what? Sue you? It's not hate speech.


I know, you're right


Yeah, I also don't think they like being called Chick, Bumper Butt, Cheeky Monkey, Headlamps, Sweater Buster, Blossom Butt, Shmoopie, Winky Dink, Squirty Pants, Tinkerbell, Bubble Butt, Butter Lips, Cutie Patootie, Snickerdoodle, or Chunky Monkey.

Go figure.

PS You should make a video on this.



Top ten things broads hate to be called๐Ÿ˜‚


Oh yeah, I forgot broads. Thanks, feet!



Oh shit! They don't like that either? They still like that's what she said jokes right? My god tell me that hasn't changed!



Okay then. Good to know. Thanks.



I see how you are! Come back after a coons age away...knowing ol Feets been missin ya...and not even the decency to offer a what's my thread to boot! What am I to make of this shade you're throwing my way? Was it the age remarks...that MOD6 thing? Nick nack patti whack...throw this dog a bone!!!



I'm really glad you're bacK MJF!


Did you hear about the psychopathic elementary school teacher who punished a 10 year old student for calling her "ma'am"


My wife told me...ridiculous!


Never heard about it until now.

Tempest in a teacup.

The teacher didn't like being referred to as "ma'am" and told her class to not. She wasn't aware the student had an operation that had affected his memory, so when he referred to her that way anyway, she thought he was disrespecting her wishes.

A lack of information. Had she known, and that his parents had specifically instructed him to refer to women as ma'am, and men as sir, I can't imagine she'd have punished him in any way, because he *wasn't* trying to disrespect her wishes.

Even so, having him write both sides of a piece of paper with "ma'am" four to a line is hardly a horrible thing. Weird, yes, but not a big deal.


I hate being called sir. Like, I don't have a butler, I rarely wear a suit, I'm not a man of nobility, and I'm definitely not better than anyone. Often times I will get called sir by a retail worker who is just trying to be cordial, but it feels super weird. All of this is made even weirder by the fact that I'm only 30. When I was 22 I got called sir by an 18 year old. When I was 22 I looked like I was 17. This is madness. I can understand not wanting to be called ma'am.


As with ma'am (see below), I blurt out "Thankyousir," all the time. Doesn't have anything to do with age, but different people will make small gestures, often holding a door open only because they happen to be in front of me and have the door handle in their hand, that sort of stuff. If some guy or kid performs some service for me (air the tires, find an item for me) i'll give him a brisk and friendly "Thankyousir." Anyone who might be annoyed by this is taking life too seriously.


You're incredibly obnoxious.


I will admit, just for fun if someone calls me "Sir" I will state "Sir was my Father. I'm ****"

Then there was the time a convenience store worker (not an American native, btw) cheerfully referred to me as "Young Man."
While I try to be as youthful as I can, I'm almost 60 years old. When I was checking out I jokingly said, "If you are making fun of me by calling me Young Man, I'll punch you in the face !" I waved my little fist at him, smiling the whole time.
He tapped his chest and said, "You're young at heart aren't you? Aren't you?" Seemed like a nice young fellow with a good head on his shoulders. I like when people make mundane transactions a little more fun. I do it all the time.


Do they like "Be a doll and fetch me a coffee"?


only if you smack them on the ass when they walk away.


Oh I like your answer better๐Ÿ˜‰


Of course they do. Who wouldn't want to be called doll face?


Eh, doesn't bother me. I'll answer to a whistle haha. Working in retail though, this is something I say constantly. Only every once in awhile will someone crack up or tell me Don't call me Ma'am, call me Sheila or whatever their name happens to be.


As long as I don't get called an asshole..I'm ok๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‰


I hear ya. I wouldn't say it unless I meant it, in your case though that would be never.


That is very nice of you to say!๐Ÿ˜€


being honest. :)


Your honesty is why you're a doll๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘
