MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do bad manners bug you?

Do bad manners bug you?

I work at concerts every now and then and my pet peave is people just throwing a question at me.

“Where’s the toilet?” They get their answer and just walk off.

I appreciate people who say “excuse me, could you please tell me where the bathrooms are?”

And “thank you.”

My other pet peave is someone who starts looking at their phone as I’m talking. Seriously? Am I that boring?


A little off topic, but that seems like a cool gig. Are you close enough to the stage to hear the music and what kind of music plays there?


Very much so...some people are rude jackasses
I find bad behavior on the internet is often amusing, but in real life, not at all

I overtip barbers and waitstaff as a habit
I say 'pardon me' and 'thank you' all the time
I Drive pretty, but safe
I Park in a manner so that others can park as well...NO TWO SPACE hogging from me ever!
I Consider the other person's feelings
I call every woman i interact with 'Miss' as i have learned that women hate 'Maam'
I Shake a hand like i damn well mean it
I smoke far away from others
I drink alone...I get aggressive with the boys when drunk, fights have resulted and i just prefer drinking alone now
I keep my yard quite tidy so as to not piss off the neighbors
I actually enjoy helping people, even other guys...hold the door open, lug a heavy package, etc.
I fire off more compliments and accolades than anyone I ever met
AND much more...

Im a very polite fellow in real life and very much respect polite behavior from others
Frankly, I demand it or there will be words.


You're a good guy, Shogie. I could have predicted all of the above. Another thing I do is to look people in the eyes.



Much obliged
You are good people too

The 'Look 'em in the eyes' one i forgot are quite correct


You're welcome, and thanks.



Are you married?


Yes, happily so...cant say if my wife would say the same but i just did the dishes so...


'just did the dishes'........ahh, you're killing me!


Killing would be bad manners and im against that😉


LOL, yeah, breaking up a marriage is bad manners too, and i'm against that.


Couldnt agree more Miss!
Still, very glad you are seem a lovely person with a fine sense of humor
Hang around lady, you seem lots of fun😀


smiley face


I realize this response is a bit late but I also overtip, I refer to all women as "ladies" no one complains about being called a lady, well, I guess a guy would but you know what I mean. AND anymore I ONLY drink alone. I have learned that witnesses tend to be embarrassing.


Any Moose response is always welcome, no matter how late Buddy

Yep, words to live by
Learned the hard way that im a jerk towards guys when drinking, so i limit it to the garage, late at night and alone...seems for the best
Play some Van Halen and sing to the moths lol


When I smoke weed I prefer reggae, especially Peter Tosh, although I certainly wouldn't complain about Bob Marley. However, when I drink, I prefer Nirvana's extra angry songs like "Hairspray Queen" and "Paper Cuts".


Yes, but not as much as they used to. I guess I'm getting mellow in my old age. BTW, when a restaurant or shop employee asks me "How are you?" I usually respond "Great, how about you?" They are all appreciative of this, and some are actually surprised by it.



Same goes for the checkout person at the grocery store. They deal with rude people all day, on a daily basis.


Yes they do.



I worked checkout for a few years. I hated when I would say “hi, how are you today?” And they’d respond “parcel pickup”, a free service where we put the groceries away for pickup in the car park. More work, heavy lifting, and they couldn’t even say hello! Grrrh.

Chinese were particularly rude. It out me off them. I’m not racist, as I like Japanese, but Chinese just don’t do good manners.


For All the Rude People by Jack all time favorite short story which also caught the eye of Alfred Hitchcock.




It bothers me more when people are rude to others more than me. I don't hold doors etc. for a payoff, it's just how I was raised but it bugs me when people don't acknowledge someone who is doing them a service (worse if they're thumbing their phone the whole time). That's just pathetic.


Yes...bad manners do bother me👍


I'm a manager at a dollar store and people do this all the time. Literally walk in, you greet them Hello! and before you get the o out, they just stare at you and ask, Gift bags? People do that with the phones too. Usually younger people. I will never measure up to that small computer in your hand so I don't even think about it now.

I could rant for days about bad manners.


Yeah and the thing is that people are oblivious to good manners these days. I’ll catch myself out now and then, like I’ve had people introduce themselves and I just say “oh hi”, not “nice to meet you, my name is”. Then I realise I didn’t even give my name. Am I a celebrity and don’t have to say my name? No.


A lot of people are but I do have lovely people in my town who tell me often how much they appreciate me. I'm sure I've done that before too, never thought about it in that way haha.


Dont kick yourself too much
I strive to be polite and often drive away from the scene thinking 'was i rude, did i say something stupid...did i say something a bit too rough..?'

I think the truth is that we all get lost in our own heads and dont always communicate well...
I've seen you around and i find you to be pretty mellow and rather pleasant

Tell you what, tomorrow lets both be nice to a reasonable looking stranger at the gas pump or in the deli...i do this once or twice a week and feel very refreshed afterwards...i just did it today and felt great and im pretty certain they did too!
Lets do it IntoTheNight!
Lets be nice to Randos!!


In a previous job I refused to serve anyone who was actively using their phone! I had them wave and point at what they wanted, sometimes mouthing the words at me whilst simultaneously listening to their call. I used to say "Who's next?" and start serving the person behind them.
When they realised what was happening they'd often say " Hang on a minute" to their caller and then ask for what they wanted. So I was forced to tell them that I had no intention of serving them whilst they were using their phone.
Cue rolled eyes and general huffiness!


Good for you! I can imagine how huffy they got but you shouldn't be on your phone! Did people ever say "sorry" or mouth the word? Maybe give you a look that said, how annoyed they were with the phone call? People do that sometimes to me and I'm always thinking how fake it seems. They didn't have to answer it right away in the middle of our human interaction.


The majority said stuff along the lines of "Are you joking?" or they seemed genuinely perplexed as to what they were doing wrong! I always pointed out that it was rude to be carrying on one conversation whilst conversing within another! The best response was "But I'm talking to my mum".
Yes, I miss the days when nobody had a phone. I know I'm a fossil but I remember it well enough.


Hahaha, that is a pretty good one.

I wouldn't call you a fossil! I wish I remember those days, I wish I lived back then or could experience it a least. It would be a hell of a trip.


It's funny though, that these sort of clerks are usually busy helping someone else while they are expected to greet everyone as they walk in. It seems a little forced and not genuine.


I hate it when people don't greet me back! That's why I've perfected the passive-aggressive second (third, forth) greeting. I will say "Hello" until I hear a "Hello" in return. I sometimes even get a "I didn't know we were supposed to greet you!" like I'm not even a human person. It's not a pleasant exchange for anyone who tells me that.


I hate it too! I'm supposed to greet every single customer and most of the time I do, unless I don't see them or I'm not running the register. A lot of people seem to have that attitude, like we aren't even real! Who would have the mindset to think that way!

I just keep running my mouth until they say something, anything.
