MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What is with all these millennial "men" ...

What is with all these millennial "men" who have their mom do everything for them?

Especially if they're in their mid-to-late 20's. For example, phoning for their son's doctor's appointments, buy clothes for them, and cook&clean for them.

I work at a small dental office, and we had some lady over the phone book an appointment for her 25 year old son. When he came to his appointment, he was perfectly functional and normal with no disability. No reason he couldn't have made the appointment himself. Tsk, tsk, tsk.....


Bunch of nancy boys! I was thrown overboard at birth and it never did me any harm!


Parents spoiling their children. Its the way of the world now. Pitiful.


MY GIRL! well actually chucks girl...but damned if you ain't a genius...and charels a lucky man! And your daughter a lucky girl...although she won't appreciate it til later...but you will be thanked for it!

Love the fact you are back girly!!! I really mean that😃


I just tell it like it is DF. Very sweet of you to say such nice things about me. You give me way too much credit sometimes!

Happy to be here. :)


Just enough credit...and y'all deserve it all the time! No two could run this bout a doubt it😉 remind me of a young Feet and Tatey! Nothing can Stand in y'alls way👍


aw! thanks for all these good vibes. :D making me smile and junk!


What y'all listening to right now?


not a thing at the moment. about to finish a movie we started the other day. got something we need to listen to?


Noop...just got YouTube on of my lyric vids came exciting!!!!
I think outcast is playing Houdini...blah👎


I watched a Beastie Boys one of yours. :) We listened to 21 pilots a lot here lately and I've been jammin' out to my usual shit. Little bit of rap, little bit of pop. I've got a playlist on YT, love that thing. 131 of my favorite songs. Its so random, goes from Nsync - Lil' Dicky - Shawn Mendes - CCR. All over the place!


I dig that baby! My shit is nucking futts! Led zep right into the disturbed then Johnny cash...then NWA...WELL BALANCED DIET👍


Amen. Play on playa!


Wouldn't know another way😉


Yes. An entire generation raised to be whiny, lazy, and super entitled, who don't even give up their seats on public transport to the old and frail.


too busy to look up from their phones to notice anyone else honestly.


One of the guys I work with is one of those whose mother does everything for him. He's so useless it's quite astounding. I have no idea how this man hasn't been fired yet. He can't even take out trash properly.


I know a few like that. Not only men, plenty of women too. Just floating in the breeze. Snapchattin' my troubles away. Oh I don't know how to put oil in my car. Oh I don't know how to BOIL water. Literally things I've heard.


It's depressing.


You forgot to add the "while driving" part, lol.


Not just millenials -- hell, my baby boomer ex-husband was still having things done for him by his mom, when he was 34 and upwards!

She arranged his appointment with the family tax accountant at tax filing time. She received his mail - even when we were married and living in our own place in another city.

She even told him which friends to keep in touch with to get ahead in life...


And you couldn't believe it if it wasn't true!


I remember a 47 year old co-worker from a few years back who still lives with his mother ( a widow ) because he's so completely ignorant about managing money, he can't handle having his own place. He got himself deeply entangled in that payday loan racket. They just love schmucks like him, that's what they're in business for. He once managed to get a loan for several thousand dollars to get himself out of debt and blew almost all of it in one night on a stripper who paid a little bit of extra attention to him because she saw the word FOOL stamped across his forehead when he entered the club.


Mommas boy


This certainly didn't begin with the Millenial Generation. There was a good Reddit post on this a while ago that I wish I could remember. It took us back throughout history. People have been bitching and moaning about the younger generation forever. I don't know if its a right of passage or just a part of getting old?

Basically, there have been man-children throughout every generation. Generation X? Yes. Baby Boomers? Yes. Traditionalists or Silent Generation? Yes. And so on and so forth.

With that said...Get off my lawn!!


My mom only does my laundry. I go to my parents place to save money and she always insists on it.


Does she wipe your ass when you're there?


What about the majority of wives who cook and do their hubby's laundry? That should make them lesser men too according to your logic...


Funny thing about that though, with my ex husband I was complaining about up-thread -- we did actually share cooking and laundry duties! He was great about that stuff, we did those things together like no one person was solely responsible. We both had day-jobs, no one person was sitting around at home being the housewife, we were equals in work life and equals with stuff around the house too. Now that I did like.


As it should be :) Surprisingly we don't see it enough in this day and age.

I'm more accepting than this poster of mothers being nuturing towards their children as they continue to grow into adulthood...Didn't realize that mothers still cooking for their adult children was supposed to be so outrageous. Perhaps it's an English speaking Western thing. Apart from that, I don't expect mothers to be Stepford Mom slaves to their children.


Ask the mothers. I can't say these men aren't partially responsible for allowing mothering into their adulthood, but why are their mothers still doing all this? They don't have to. As soon as they stop, their sons might actually have a chance to grow up.


Mom's little boy incapable to care of himself


Replace mother with wife and see if you can't make the same observation about many men.


Good point.

But, to be fair, when I thought about it, it goes both ways with many women and their fathers/husbands. So I suppose it's more a function of gender roles than anything else.
