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Cultural enrichment

So last night, my neighbour's daughter was mass raped by what the police politely described as "a group of middle eastern looking men". A few weeks ago, my daughter was attacked by a group of such men, only she managed to escape, due to the martial arts which I've taught her. Are we to shrug it off, blame it on the times? Is this just cultural enrichment, something we old-fashioned Europeans have yet to grasp? What the hell is happening?



Europe seems to do a poor job of integrating immigrants.


The immigrants are also doing a bad job themselves. It should mostly be their own responsibility.


Hownos, you're Canadian, right?




You think Canada's doing a better job at integration?


I would say yes overall but that doesn't mean we are not without problems on the immigration front. Usually by the second generation most issues are resolved.


Correct me if I'm wrong but Canada gets to chose pretty much who can get asylum and who can't, right? Which in turn means that most immigrants from, say Syria, are probably families who are either Christian or modern muslim, with both parents being reasonably well educated and with a fair understanding of English? Or is this just wild guessing?

We on the other hand don't get to chose. Immigrants just come to our borders, every single day. In 2015 it was 20.000 people who came to Denmark. Mostly young men without education and no desire to learn Danish or English. We're a small nation of 5 million btw. People are crossing the Mediterranean into Europe every day and the numbers are increasing.


I feel someone is encouraging these folks to act like that. Back in the 90s it seemed to be less of an issue.


Sorry to hear about your neighbour's misfortune there Russell.

Violence begets violence and so I'd make sure to be stocked up on the essentials at home in case it escalates to a critical situation.


Sorry to hear about the girl, unfortunately there are some idiots who don't behave themselves


Where do you live?


That's why European citizens should arm themselves with guns.


Jesus Russ...I have no words😔 thoughts and prayers just don't do it! Obviously we can not help your neighbor or his family...daughter in particular....but they are fortunate. Fortunate because they got a good fellow like yourself as a neighbor! I never knew or had forgotten you were a family man Russ...I'll remember it now because your story has moved me.

It's been real nice getting to know you Russel! We've had lots of laughs! Easy to forget that life ain't all fun and games. We often discover friendships through fun and laughter. We likewise often cement those friendships in tragedy. I hope you know that you have a friend in me my man! Feel free to PM me...for anything...anytime. And once again...very sorry for the brutal acts that have struck a blow to your community😔
