MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are you prone to positivity?

Are you prone to positivity?

Or negativity? I would have trended pretty negative 5 or 10 years ago, but I feel like I can appreciate things a little more these days. I think giving up most illicit substances helped, but also I think I just grew some. I haven't gotten on antidepressents, although I may benefit from them, but just focusing on the positive has really helped my overall mood. I can still be a salty bitch at times, but you should've seen me before.


Depends on the situation


Sure, but in general, on average, do you have a positive or negative personality?


Well,in general I'm a positive person

I do have a short temper, though


That's from hanging out with those gypsy ladies.



Can you please stop already!!


LMFAO over here! You don't kid people you don't like, Croft.





Having said that, I will give a rest, Bro.



I lean way over into the negativity side. It wasn't always that way. But my life just hasn't gone well. Nor has the world we live in. Hard to be positive in this day and age.


I can understand that point of view. However, I feel like having a negative outlook isn't going to help the situation any. Believe me, I not happy with the state of the world, but I can only have an impact on such a small part of it, and my mood ultimately just reflects back onto me, and I don't want to compound any negativity I'm feeling about external matters onto and into myself.


I was a negative person for much too long.
Now I'm much more of a positive person.
Many more positives in life than negatives.
It makes the days go by so much easier.


As the saying goes, "If you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right."



That my friend is the story of my life.
The I'm always right part of course!




Being positive. The glass is half full.



As a Realist, the glass depends on your goal. All things in context.

Were you in the process of filling it? Then the glass is half full.

Were you in the process of emptying it? Then the glass is half empty.

Did you stumble upon the glass and have no goal in mind? Then the bottom half of the glass is full, and the top half is empty. It is both half full and half empty, of course!


