Make a choice!

This is a fictional scenario : I'll give the short version of it

You have been infected with a deadly toxin,in 15 minutes you'll cease to exist and it's not a peaceful end.

Anyway at your disposal are two small bottles,one filled with a Blue liquid,the other with an orange liquid

Only one contains the antidote

Be advised : one is the antidote and the other one contains a dose of toxin


I would have to think about it; while I'm taking a dump. Isn't there a sandwich that comes with this scenario?


50 50 chance.


The answer is the orange bottle


How could we have know for sure?


Aha Croft!

I already knew your nefarious plan when you contacted me and also poisoned you and told you it was the orange bottle when, in fact, it was the open wires at the corner plug socket which would have dispelled the poison from your system.

Both vials were placebos and your victim was never actually poisoned!

If you want to do it right you have to do it yourself!


I have no idea - whatsoever - what are you talking about


So why is it the orange bottle?


Because croft says so.
Aren't you paying attention?


I know but ....logic....does not compute.....pzzzt.....croft has broken me.....


I wonder if we'll ever find out why!


The answer is the orange bottle

Are you going to explain the answer croft?


You're serious with this one Dazed?


Fine,fine here goes :

At first I was thinking to write blue for the toxin and green for the antidote,but it made it too simple.Everyone knows that green stands for good things,so why not change the things a bit?


Ok and you're right Green does summon up nature. It is also the colour of Science AND Nature in Trivial Pursuit.


do you have any apple cider ??
