Have You Found A Frisbee?
If you have found one it may be mine.
I had one stuck in a tree and the storm hit last night and it blew away.
I can describe it.
It's round!
If you find it please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
If you have found one it may be mine.
I had one stuck in a tree and the storm hit last night and it blew away.
I can describe it.
It's round!
If you find it please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
What colour is it? Does it have an ID tag? Was it chipped?
I may or may not have found it 😎
It was chipped. ID and GPS.
I can't get a reading on the location though.
The little thing on the screen just keeps spinning.
Maybe it's caught in a tornado?
I think I'll call Dorothy.
Was it a free frisbee?
Free frisbees are fraught with frailities, they're frightfully fragile and funnily enough fucking hard to find.
Frickin' right it was free.
Fundamentally my free frisbee was fantastic.
I've been quite frazzled since it's loss. I've been in a frenzy to find it.
Thank you my friend.
Your free frisbee was fantastic? Frankly I find that hard to fathom!
First find Fred the frisbee finder, he'll frisk you for a fee first then he'll fox you! But dont fret, Fred will finally find it.
I love Fred's face! Let's be fair. Plenty of fakes out there.
He is a family man. Used to live on the far frontier.
He's familiar with fame but not fancy.
With every fabric of my frock I'm a Fred fan!
Check Arizona while you're at it. I heard there was a big dust devil there yesterday. They're just fancy, super dusty tornadoes. Tornadoes with pretensions is what I calls them.
shareI remember them.
They come out of nowhere. Blind you if you're driving.
Then cleaning the inside of the car! The worst.
I'll check the desert.
Thanks for the tip.
They don't call them Dust Devils for nothing! They're awful. Dusty, dirty, frisbee-stealing, pretentious things, all of 'em.
Plus they live in the desert. Doesn't that tell you all you need to know?
There's a reason I left the desert many years ago.
And it wasn't because of the brown recluse spiders.
It was because I was spending a fortune on frisbees!
A wise move. Who can afford to live there, what with the rising costs of frisbees? Back in the olden days, they were only 5 cents, so it was reasonable. Moving out of brown recluse territory was only the cherry on top.
shareThe cost of frisbees is INSANE!
The price always goes up around a holiday or during the summer.
How do they get away with that?
Oh yeah, we keep buying them.
Finders keepers weasels weepers bro😎
shareI wouldn't blame you if you kept it.
It's a nice disc. Custom made so it may not fit you.
Handsome reward is offered.
You too? Must be something that's going around.
All my weasels are weeping too.
Do the weasels and the dogs get along ??
shareThey are not friendly with each other.
I did have a woodchuck that got into the yard last year.
That little guy was nasty. Dogs learned a lesson that day.
Happy to say all are well. A few battle scars for all.
Just saw Mr. Haney yesterday walking around.
Oh heck its just too classy for the likes of me anyway
Ill overnight it for a beer with the Deputy
Lets just make it a one or two beer evening or the National Guard may be called 🍻🍻
I may let you keep it for a beer with you.
Obviously only a couple rounds.
The Guard is busy enough.
BTW, the handsome reward I was offering was you.
I hope you don't mind.
And thanks but its got little doggie paws printed on it so its clearly yours
Yes, let the folks in uniform have a break and think about how our ladies would fret by the window all night if we went out on the town together
Of course i dont mind
Ive been telling 'you people' how handsome i am for like 10 months now
Glad you finally caught on
Your lady may fret.
I'd get a "whatever" or a "here we go again, it must be Tuesday".
It usually takes me awhile so my apologies.
You weren't lying though.
Hubba, Hubba!
She better fret!!!
Im a lady killer i tells 'ya!
Thank you for the 'hubba hubba...'
I needed that more than you know
Is it this one?
I didn't realize my picture was still on the Disc Golf hall of fame website!
Do you have midget disc golf?
I'm the national champion in midget disc golf. How did you not know this???!!!
shareStrangely enough, I don't really know??????
shareThat's even worse! You're breaking my heart! 💔
shareYou'll have to forgive me.
I'm in a weakened state.
Had a bad bromance break up this week.
Still haven't gotten over it.
You're always in my thoughts.
Mostly my dreams though!
Better watch out or I'll raid your fridge again!
shareI've now started buying double the food.
So have it! It's all yours.
Oh come on! I'm just about to go to sleep😱
sharemy eyes !!!
Dewey, how COULD you??!
This was few years ago.
I can say that I still fit into that shirt! At least last night I did.
Is it a shirt? Perhaps a blouse?
looks like a 70s porn star - what was your stage name Buck Naked ??
shareThat's the look I was going for.
No, it was Long Dong Silver.
So what's your leprechaun name? Not sure if I'm supposed to enter dewey or godewey.
Oooo, I like these.
Mina gave me one awhile ago for vampire names.
I went with godewey and got Twindle Whiskeybreath.
I don't think you'll get closer than that.
And your Dutch name? I don't know if I should click on guy or girl.
We've had this conversation.
I could pass for either. 😢 or 😁
Depends on my mood.
Espen Gottfried Veldboom
Marysa Annemie Meenk
Tierra Wilona ten Bokkel
Vanderpool Fukkink
I can't choose!
The last one is obviously the funniest for obvious reasons!
shareI know right?
Vanderpool is HILARIOUS!
Exactly! Especially in Dutch!
shareI can only imagine.
Dutch is always so much fun!
Maar ik ben nog leuker!😘
shareThat may be my favorite name ever!
I wonder if it's too late to change my name.
Maybe at least a T-shirt?
Too late. I already trademarked it.
shareDamn you, you Dutch temptress!
How much for the rights? **sigh**
50 American style fridges full of caviar and Moët & Chandon.
shareWhy American fridges?
They're bigger!!!
shareOf course they are. Why wouldn't they be.
We have midget fridges too you know.
Is this what you guys have?
No, we don't have giant Coca-Cola cans. Must be an American thing as well.
shareEverything is bigger and better over here.
Haven't you heard.
Super Size is the word of the day.
It's called a Big Gulp. 32 ounces of bliss.
Don't even get me started on the Double Big Gulp.
Another 50 fridges of those, please!
shareSold if you let me braid your hair and
cut the nails on your left foot.
Do you paint your toe nails?
Pink with glitter, please.
Don't forget to bring a bolt cutter with you!
Do you ever do the rainbow thing?
All toes a different color.
Honey, my bolt cutter is always cocked
and ready for trimmin'.
Rainbow colours do not go with my leather corset.
shareDo you do it yourself?
Whoever's in my basement.
shareI should have seen it coming
but I didn't. I just didn't.
I feel I'm really slipping.
I'm glad you're still at
the top of your game.
You always were the best
at the top.
Holland: The land of bridges and small refrigerators
shareSee, I feel I missed something again.
What's the bridges thing?
We were debating a few nights ago the natural beauty of Canada compared to some bridges and causeways in Holland.
I'm sorry I missed that. I may have to look
for that.
I'm sure Holland has some beautiful causeways.
He even does it behind my back!
shareI tried to tell you.
He's one sneaky Canadian.
This is what he does.
I have no idea how he thought he'd get away with it. Doesn't he know I
read every post here on MC to see if someone mentions me?
you can be more original than that
shareJohn E. Depth?
sharemuch better - I like the middle initial
shareClassy isn't it.
I'm all about the class.
remember the game where your porn star name would be your first pet's name and then the first street name you lived on. Mine would be Rover Martin. Not bad ??
shareThat isn't bad at all.
My first house I lived in the country. HWY CS.
Doesn't work for me.
The second address works better.
Pebbles Birchwood
Are you supposed to leave out street, road, alley, etc?
shareleave out the street/road/alley
shareThen my name would be Babbel Staten. Doesn't really work in Dutch, though. Maybe translate it into English? Dale State.
shareMaybe Babe Staten would work
shareI was thinking of Pussy Dick, but Babe Staten does sound more classy. I'm gonna use that one. Thanks, Rover!
sharehow about the French version Chatte Dick ??
shareIsn't Richard the equivalent of Dick in French???
sharechatte is the equivalent of pussy ??
shareYou tell me! You're Canadian!
shareyou're the languages person
shareHaven't had any luck with the French ladies either, huh? It actually is the French equivalent, Mitch.
shareAnyone can get lucky in Montreal.
shareIs that their tourism slogan?
sharesimilar to Amsterdam but without the Red Light District
shareSo it's absolute crap.
shareparts of it are seedy
shareSo you've spent a lot of time there, Mitch?
shareI think you may have temporarily been in possession of my frisbee Dewey.
It too was round but got carried off in a tropical storm from the beach.
If you found it please let me know so you can send it back to me.
Thanks, it holds many dear memories for me of the dog that died from being bit in the butt by a snake.
If you tell me your dog's name was Shannon I may start crying!
Are you really Carl Wilson?
Is your favorite number 409?
My dog was not called Shannon and my name is not Carl Wilson but my favourite number is 409 and so 1 out of 3 ain't that bad in this situation.
shareIf you could change your name to Carl Wilson then you'd have 2 out of 3 and that ain't bad at all.
Then I could at least call you Meatloaf.
Maybe I will anyways depending on what you're new handle (CB lingo) will be.
Don't CB lingo me young suicide jockey!
Mad Monk here checking my rear for baby bear or Pandas (UK talk) 4-10?
I love that you called me young!
I'm younger than Dazed did you know that?
She does.
When I was a kid I had a CB. My handle was Square Bear.
Doesn't get much more country American than that.
I love Dazed but I think everyone on the planet is younger than her.
I think she's an immortal vampire or something.
Don't tell her I said that or I'll end up like one of those blokes from The Hunger!
My lips are sealed!
I really feel that I shouldn't respond.
I've also been on record saying I'm weak.
I may have a new entry for your foe thread by tomorrow.
I'm happy she's so forgiving. It's in her nature you know.
She is something for sure.
I would say an immortal porcelain beauty but everybody says that!
I don't know Dewey, I could see you being in one of them bags too if you are not careful!
shareI should just get into that bag now and forgo all the misery.
I was going to ask you how you keep getting out of the bags but I remembered you're Houdini!
Not for us to understand.
Well Dewey, I'll tell you that it's not magic - just being ahead of the game enough not to drown in it.
shareMore words of wisdom from Juror 8.
Could it be the last words of wisdom from Juror 8?
Well, a deleted thread later and still no apology and so I'm guessing ol' banhammer MacJohnson might come out to play and not see the futility of said swinging.
But hey, everyone's got to learn somehow and I do love educating folk.
I love being an apt pupil. Maybe that's too presumptuous? Apt I mean.
I'll always be able to say I was there when........
Good name btw. Is that Scottish?
The Mac part makes it Scottish but the Mc part (Given to Irish immigrants way back when) has made its way to many part of Scotland also.
As for Apt Pupil, have you seen that movie Dewey?
Oh, I meant banhammer. 😉
It's been a long time. I don't think I liked it.
I did like when Jimmy Stewart called Madeleine an apt pupil.
So there's that.
Who do you prefer Jimmy Stewart or Cary Grant?
I love Cary but Jimmy is my boy.
As versatile as they come.
I can read you know.
Oh Dazed, that cough sounds terrible!
Nothing worse than a summer cold.
A couple swigs of Benylin or Night Nurse and you'll feel better.
Shit talkin' weasel!
I might be older in years DEWEY but in maturity I'm really young......wait...what?
I think I'm still younger than you on both accounts.
Mostly age though.
Quit trying to get me in trouble again!
I just got out of limbo and I do NOT want to go back.
I'm much happier this way.
In terms of MC history "shit talkin' weasel" must go down in the annals.
Along with "prickly", "Brenda", "croftism", "brown nose" and all the Canadian jokes too.
It was very good.
db should be proud of making MC history.
We should make a list.
I don't know why but this reminded of something you said along time ago
that for some reason always makes me laugh.
On the Stratego dumped me thread you said something like
"It's like Richard and Liz all over again"
Every time I think of that I just lose it.
I have no idea why.
the guy is a wordsmith
shareIt's in Europe by now