MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I'm sorry for that sock account

I'm sorry for that sock account

I only want to apologize for what have I done


That takes guts Croft


I though it was kinda Soft...


I have to disagree here.
Juror8 gets a very,very hard time here for renewing his account every so often. He doesn't need or want me to defend him I'm certain but this is a double standard.
Croft uses actual sock accounts impersonating women AND insulting one posters marriage and he gets a pat on the back and it's great big lols all around. Good old Croft the silly billy, he accidentally made some sock accounts and fooled a lot of decent posters into thinking he is the new girl haha!


If only smart astute person would have noticed this say a year ago.
She could have warned us all about croft and all his crap.
I'm sure we would have all listened and none of this would have ever happened.
Guess we’ll never know.


I will never doubt you.


Right Dewey😉


Worst part is Sophia and I were sending PM's back and forth. A few pics too.
Kind of hot and heavy.
Then they just stopped. I'm still not convinced. Seemed like the real deal.

You just never know do ya.


You sure you didn't know?
Or maybe you didn't care?


At this point I'm sure you're right.
Really don't care.

What if, just what if croft really is Sophia and croft isn't real.
This whole time it's been Sophia pretending to be croft.
Would that mean it really was a waiter or still a waitress?
Either way, all is forgiven. Again.


I guess Sofia would be the poor farm girl walking 8 hours a day to work a 20 hour night shift, whilst also working her poor fingers to the bone on her farm, but still having up to 18 hours a day to post the same repetitive bull across several message boards AND play Tomb Raider around the clock. How many hours in a day ARE there in fake Romania?

But yeah human Teflon shrugs it off and starts again.


The poor soul. She's a credit to whatever it is that she is.

From the sounds of it a day is about 38.5 hrs in Romania.
I'm allowing a half hour depending on how the crop is, when the funeral is,
if she can get a taxi or if she may need to shoot her dog.


Its a bit obvious that Croft has a number of inconsitencies in his tales and im not shocked he pulled a goof like this
Frankly, i find his transparent efforts to be humorous and silly ( i suspect much of his foolishness is part of his schtick...i dont mind)
If he insulted someones marriage then that is too far, i agree

As for Juror i barely interact with him and we have no troubles
If he is up to things like Croft i certainly never noticed
No offense to him at all but i think Juror and I dont really register with each other


I DID NOT insulted his marriage


Why would someone make that claim if it werent true though?

I enjoy some of your antics but you go too far sometimes (the 'dead girlfriend' bit being an example)

If you went after a posters family thats going way over the line

Pull it together man


I did not..just read the conversation with DF,then tell me if it was an insult


Thread title?


Dazed and Delicioufeet hit 3380 posts at the same time...on the same thread...


I read it and
it appears to be edited Crofty...or is it Crafty going foward?

I sort of recall the exchange now that ive seen it in its current version as the bones are still there to read...

Girl (you) : do you have a fetish? (Referencing Feet's handle)

Feet: im sure i have a few but that aint one of them

You: im glad im not your wife

Feet: trust me, im glad your not my wife

You: 😂

Are you STILL playing around?
After the public whooping you just got??

Up your game if you think youre a player


You spoke with him AS Sofia who he naturally assumed was a female.
"I'm glad I'm not your wife"
You then pretended to not know if he was a man or a woman when he took exception.

You're a liar a creepy one.


I didn't suggest that you personally had given Juror8 a hard time but a hard time has been dealt out to him all the same.

For Croft to be almost given awards for bravery for apologising (after being prompted) for a situation he deliberately created himself, then lied shamelessly about seems a bit strange.


As long as were clear on that
He seems scrappy and probably handled himself very well
Awards lol
You exaggerate
A lot of us had fun the other night wrecking that 'farmboy' in hownoes' thread, me included

And feel however you like as is your right
Thx for sharing


best laugh I had in months on here.


Your thread was a thing of beauty!
I may go back and give it a rare re-read it was so funny


your farmer jokes were first class.


Thank, you lad


In all fairness though, Dazed, J8 is an oft admitted troll albeit not a particularly nasty one. He does have an arrogance about him and seems to enjoy playing head games using deliberately ambiguous language.Yet in conversations with you, he appears more lucid. I understand you two go back a ways and have developed a friendship so I also understand your coming to his defense. I can remember when he had Catbookss really riled up for awhile so if he can have that kind of effect on her, well, where there's smoke, there's fire.


Hey db, well my comments were not particularly to defend Juror8. He's big enough to do that for himself as I pointed out and trust me I've had my moments with him too! I

It was more to point out the unfairness of Croft once again getting the kid gloves treatment when it's been clear for quite some time, to the more discerning amongst us exactly what he is. You know that includes you db.


Yes, I do know. For several months, I didn't respond to any of Croft's comments, sometimes completely ignoring threads he had created ( without that function, btw ) and I understand where you're coming from about the double standard, especially in the aftermath of your last encounter with a mod.


I knew you'd understand db.


And thanks for giving me credit for that.


How do you "accidentally" make "some sock accounts"


The same way people accidentally end up with their cock stuck in a vacuum cleaner...i.e not accidentally.


Damn, I regret not having my emoji add on activated right now but trust me, that made me bust out loud.


Cheers db, glad to have made you laugh!


😄 Good Grief! I have this image in my head right now!
a certain little Romanian standing in the middle of his room with his pants down around his knees and a vacuum hose in one hand and.... well, fill in the blanks. 😄
I need to go back to my own life! Have a wonderful weekend!


You too Margo😘


I can see croft doing this. Assuming he has a vacuum cleaner.


If he hasn't tried it already you can get your bottom dollar that the Dyson will be wearing a Lara mask tonight.


Dyson maybe his next sock account.


Quite likely!



It's up to you entirely.

I don't know the board you mention but I think it you weren't a regular poster,only posted occasionally or genuinely forgot log in details then making another account isn't a big deal. You weren't pretending to be someone else, or trying to manipulate people.

Sock puppetry is considered trolling as far as I know and I don't see a reason to stop thinking that way. It is used for many reasons, to bump one's own thread, speak to those who have you on ignore or to lend support to your own opinion using a false identity.

Making a spiel about being a Romanian peasant one minute then pretending to be a new poster who is female and admitting to having another account also as a female seems disingenuous and manipulative to me. I don't trust a word he says and haven't done for a long time and with good reason. The whole schtick that is croft has worn thin.

Maybe I'm just out of date and this sort of thing is now considered fine, if it is then it's time for me to bugger off too. 😊


Sock puppetry is considered trolling...

I think I've seen several incidents by now where a sock account was immediately removed upon discovery.





I don't know about deleting, I've deleted hundreds of posts and I've had a few deleted! I know it annoys some people but they're my words, it's my time.
As far as I know it isn't against the rules to delete your own post, why would we have that option if it were?

Sock puppetry is clearly mentioned in the standards.

Do not attempt to evade these Standards or the enforcement thereof by creating multiple accounts, using different IP addresses or proxies, or any other means of evasion

As I said if it is just deemed a bit of a laugh then that's fine. It's just not for me.


Which one?


All of them😒


Sorry to hear that.

What were the names?


It's really fuckin weird because when I saw Sofia's first post I had a feeling inside me telling me to say: Hi croft!

But I didn't and stayed polite. SHould've relied on my gut feeling.

Some peeple really have time to waste and I hate when I feel played.

Shame on you. You can apologize all you want, we can forgive all we want but still...

Shame on you


Your instinct was correct!

I think this is the worst thing, that nice posters such as yourself took the time to say hi and introduce themselves, I think you even invited "her" onto your thread.

I don't get it, I just dont.


You're not sorry


Sorry he got caught and then lied about it.


Then lied to cover up the lie. He's caught in his own web of lies.


Then why did you complain on the filmboards that you were "banned for no reason" and had "no idea why"


I wasn't sure the reason was that account


You just acted so shocked


Another one was AnastasiaD


You lied, you got busted for it... Your back. All good. It happens


Jeez, croft, I simply have no idea why people here on MC have a problem with you!


Just like that Shaggy song "It wasn't me" but she got you red handed "wasn't me"


Lara, Croft, Sofia, you don't have to be a sock account in order for me to address and treat you a certain way. Let me know and it will be done. I know you enjoy being complicated but that's no reason to get yourself in trouble, which you are very good at doing. Feel better yet? (0_^)


Can I let you know?

Treat me good twinA. Treat me good!


Ah, alright it's just-it's just [weeps]... I never get to play the villain. [sobs, takes out handkerchief and blows nose into it]


You could be the villain. Can I be your sidekick?


You certainly make a great henchman, buttering me up like that, Wahahaha! (*L*)

So long as we don't call ourselves the Wet Bandits. Hhhmmm, we need a name that gets to the point...


All of this reminds me of that movie Catfish. If you haven't seen it, the end reveal was kinda wild.
