MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Abby is now gone : NCIS , it's time

Abby is now gone : NCIS , it's time

I just made a similar post to my FB timeline.
About 15 years ago , my sister and brother-in-law were telling me about a really good TV series, NCIS. Of course I had heard about it - who hadn't - It was a top-rated show and hugely popular.

I was dealing with personal problems ( a separation ) , and work issues , etc. - so I had not really seen the show - my wife and I liked CSI ( only the original ) before it just started getting weird , JAG and old movies. Believe it or not I was even unaware NCIS came from JAG.
Then while I was traveling ( dealing with a long distance relationship , I happened upon a USA network NCIS marathon and I became " Hooked ".

Then , Cote left and it started slipping but still quite excellent- then with Dinozzo leaving and the death of Glasberg it started going downhill , especially the writing ( Imo ).
I didn't mind the newbies but the show just wasn't the same - tweaking the Gibbs character to me was a big mistake.
A couple of episodes this past season were almost as good as old ones , but not quite.
And now Abby is gone-with age creeping up on McCallum & Harmon , I thing they should build up to a finale and make it as good as possible - leave with some dignity and class - you owe it to your fans. JMHO
