Thewaitress and charlikelly are shacking up!!! Are they this boards first couple?
Oh shit...discretion...damnit!
shareOh shit...discretion...damnit!
shareCome on is in the air!
shareYes. Young people in love. I was at the Greyhound Bus Depot a week ago and watched this young couple cavort for much of an hour. They were wonderful. Full hugs, then would release a measure and just talk face-to-face. They were standing outside the Depot, half in the shade of the Depot's canopy & half in the sun. It was warm, but, not quite hot hot. Bearable. The Depot was air conditioned with a television mounted close to the ceiling. I was going to sit in there and wait, but, just as I disembarked my car I saw them, slid back in and turned the ignition. The A/C blasted forth. They always, always seemed to be physically joined. Always on their feet, facing one another.
I cut the engine, got out & purchased an iced coffee from the Mexican Cafe' there---returned & sat in my Cadillac, door ajar and I suppose spied them. Nothing was ever untoward. Usually there are touches and clutches, but, not that early afternoon. A week later I can now imagine her name Tress, his CK. They weren't from here, they were clothed in light coats, layered clothing.
The bus was tardy coming down from Flagstaff. A roll over at Sunset Point.
I opened the passenger door and nudged it with my right foot. Prompting cross ventilation. (My power windows are shot).
She laid her right cheek upon his chest. His smile brilliant in the high sun.
Then, there it came, down the Avenue, long and blue and gray. I scanned back to the Depot. The waiting throng began to stir & filter from inside the building. The Bus circled the quadrant, I watched in my side & rear view mirrors---disappearing at one point for a minute as it crossed the back of the strip mall then re-emerged at the side of the Depot-pointed in the right direction. I always love that part.
They kissed again and held one another. Then released and he abruptly started toward me..."Where the fuck are you going, kid?"---My voice emphatic.
She? She queued up. She never looked back. He never looked back.
I nonchalantly pulled my door-a-too, slipped reflective sunglasses back on. He passed my car about a yard off, never taking notice. I caught him in the rear view mirror---he got into a mud caked black sports utility vehicle, turned out of the lot and drove away.
Oddly...nice story.
shareRemind me to never tell YOU any secrets! 😂
shareIt's no secret, Cat. She's the best! I think DF's just paranoid after stepping on a few social landmines.
shareJust because you are paranoid...does to mean they're not after you😉 but seriously...just happy for y'all! Really dug team Liz...knew you were a kid to watch on the boards...and great taste in the company you keep as well! You guys are a double threat...and as far as I can tell...a board first...AWESOME!
shareAh, I misunderstood! Didn't realise you two are a real-life couple.
Your girl has been singing your praises here, and I'm happy to see you singing hers!
Mazel to you both 🍾
Yeah...nah...the waitress gave me the ok...the discretion bit was an inside joke👍😉
I'm actually a vault with secrets! But ain't it swell? Love on our boards!!! Know of any other couples around here?
LOL, I misunderstood the whole thing! I thought TheWaitress and Charlie had just met here during Team Liz Weekend, and wondered why she was carrying on a MC flirtation when she was wild about her RL boyfriend 😄
I do believe their our first couple!
mr charliekelly is the best! No secret at all though. :) Been together 4 years, can't imagine life without him.
shareI'm so pleased that it's all true, youngster. It's nice having a Board relationship like this. Makes me feel good. I am so happy for you both.
That's fantastic! & it's so swell of you two to share this with the group. That's very selfless of you. Wow. Unbelievable.
Bless both your hearts.
Bless your heart Cul. :) You are always so nice, we appreciate all the good vibes.
shareAwww she told me she had a boyfriend
shareMY MAN!!! Where you been at BUCKY!?! Missed havin ya around...
shareI’m always around my friend. I’m just in the middle of watching the Stanley cup finals. That’s hockey my man it all makes sense! Thought we were a little light on will do that😉👍
I would assume alcohol is sometimes consumed while watching the hockey sports?
I really enjoy how much you do things like this :) First my 500 posts and now this. I honestly didn't think anyone would notice the 500 and most wouldn't care about our relationship. You are a hell of a guy DF.
shareThe pleasure is truly mine👍 you been a spit fire since you showed...and charlie...SHIIIIT! That team Liz business is just the type of good spirited...cross boards interaction this place needs! Me, juror,and others were tearing it up last night...i LOLed like a dozen times!!! Even the protest angel...FUN and CREATIVE...Ghandi should have been so creative😉 nah...pleasure is all OURS!!! Goes to you too chuck!
shareA spit fire, hell yes. Selfishly always thought of myself that way :P Charlie is ..truly the most amazing person in the world. He's original, talented, creative and so funny! When he told me about the team liz stuff, I was so happy about it. It was hilarious and I couldn't wait to get started. Can't wait to have some more fun with team liz and other things :)
shareOh DEFINATELY! Shoot...I'd put you two on my channel in a heart beat...carte Blanche!
Funny thing...loads of posts...not one answer as to whether you two are the first couple😂
I wonder if we are. Either way, its sweet of you to make a thread in the first place.
You guys are official enough for me! We got a Canadian around here that certifies this shit...but he's all pissed off about something hockey oriented...go figure...
shareThe Dean would be happy to preside over any ceremony. Assuming this is true.
shareWell buddy...if you were here anymore you'd be a chair...rember any schnogging going on between board members...let alone...dare i Me either! Let's call it official until another presents...for the kids😉👍
shareNow we have to find someone for croft our resident farmer.
sharethere is some kind of weird tension between the two. and both are in Europe.
shareSexual tension...very European!
shareRepulsion on Stratego's part, Sheer Terror on Crofts I'd guess...she'd eat him alive and spit out the bones!
shareBAHAHAHAHA! I'm howling over here!!!😂😂😂😂😂
sharecroft might like that
shareHe thinks he has been banned from here.
Another log in error perhaps?
The confusion continues
shareI've no idea as to whether there are other real life couples on the board DF. I suspect R_Kane might have had a sweetheart or did at one point. I may be mistaken of course.
Apart from Croft and his cardboard cut out Lara, there's a little flirting but nah! I doubt it!!
Rkane and cardboard cut outs...looking good for...waiting4charlie? It'll do...
shareThis is real?
I must be honest and admit that I'd not met Charli until the other night!
This is great news💘💗💖💕💔💝💞
Right? I've been trying to find outbifvthrybarevtheonly couple...but of course they are! We would know of another...duh Feet!
shareI've had it with the newbie Dazed...maybe you'll hAve better luck!
shareThis is a dating site?
shareYes. I'm old & sodded, & smell of geezer. I have just enough teeth left to have just a bit more than 50%. All of my hair and a Vienna Sausage that'll give you nary trouble.
Welcome aboard, you big, beautiful Sofia, you.
I'm not big,but thank you Culburn.You do need some exercises,though😉
share...Damn, that's all I hear from the wife. Now you!
shareOh come on,you have to pay more attention to us,well at least your wife😉
shareAbsolutely, So.
"Big" is a term of endearment, always.
shareIf you stay around long enough, So, you'll see.
Right then,show me the best of you
shareTake a look, So...
About "Tombstone" & Kilmer's "Doc Holliday"......
[–] Culburn (2808) 4 days ago
A gift, a blessing bestowed upon us there by Kilmer. Perfection. The consideration and study that he must have committed to in order to deliver such. Never a weak moment, or, false move, or, missed opportunity. Everything was taken care of and addressed. Bless his heart.
Stout citation, Yonk. Bully, bully for you, boy.
A Friday nite Direct Hit for Yonk,,,putting it down for us to recognize and preface, and to venture back in sight & sound.
Go on, you big, beautiful, Yonk, you, Friday evening is yours, big fella.
Do you just called me "boy"!?
Yes, it's a term of endearment twixt me & Yonk.
You'll be "girl" if you make such a citation.
And who's this Yonk?
shareHere he is:::
[–] ShogunofYonkers (10775) 4 days ago
Thanks Cubby!
I really loved Kilmer in this one so much and i thought he was a very good performer in general throughout his career
(Apparently, Val is really impossible to deal with and ive heard thats why he doesnt show up so much anymore...which is pretty sad
He appears to be a difficult jerk...)
His Doc Holliday was such a casually psychotic and charming character that i would place him right on the shelf with Hopkins' Lecter...same level of scary awesomeness
THE upper level...
Kilmer was a shooting star...bright and glorious for a few moments
Boy oh boy will i remember him!
& here I am talking to god, the same manner...about Gloria Grahame:::
[–] Culburn (2811) 6 days ago
Yes! A fine comparison, god.
Grahame in all her roles is top level---with Bogart there---"In A Lonely Place"---she's transcended.
Citing Gloria Grahame out-of-the-blue of a Wednesday evening. You got it, god. A Direct Hit---well earned. I'll be damned, citing the Grahame girl. You big beautiful, god, you.
Are you x drunk!?
shareOf course not.
Pick a movie from the line and talk about it. I'll see ya, and if you inspire me such I'll grant upon you a Direct Hit. It'll put you up there in the pantheon.
C'mon, So, do a movie for Cubby. Pour forth from your heart, So. Let thy cup runneth over, you So&So, you. Get down into that movie, into that film.
You got one in your heart, it lives there. Tell it, Sofia.
& god in his infinite wisdom answered me...
[–] godewey (13703) 6 days ago
Love the direct hit's.
If you're thrilled then we're all thrilled. Trust me!
Well, thewaitress and I have been together since before MovieChat existed, but if you'd like to pay me the going rate of say an eharmony or a similar service, I could ask around.
shareWho and who? I've been on this site since the beginning and I've never seen those users. I'd have to get to know them before they get a SamoanJoes seal of approval. Not like they need one, but it'll look nice on their resumé.
shareFirst off...funny post! Still chuckling👍
Thewaitress and charlikelly are two newish members that are coming correct to this joint! Fun insight...creative...and a couple! DEFINATELY two to keep an eye on!
+ we needed this coupling, this devotion, this ❤️, D.
- "Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. I say, fall head over heels. Find someone you can love like crazy and who will love you the same way back."
- "William Parrish" - "Meet Joe Black"