Mix and Match

What would it be like if you took one character from a movie or a TV show and put
him in another one?

For instance-

What if Alex from Clockwork Orange was in the Greg Brady role in The Brady Bunch.
What would Mike and Carol do with that?
What would Alice Do?
Would she now have to make eggiweggs?

What characters can you think of that would be fun in a different show or movie?


I have an excellent idea now if you mentioned it...I always thought on a team work between Lara and Alice,how those two will get along


I thought they were the same person already?


You just committed a sacrilege,sir.You're lucky the others can't read what you're wrote,you needed protective custody if they were.How can you possibly say that😱😨


I've never seen any of these movies.
I just assumed from what little I do know that they were the same character.

My apologies for speaking out of turn.

Just for clarification who are the others?
Are they Illiterate?


"The others" are the millions of fans around the world.And I wanted to say witnesses protection program,but..ah well


Millions? Really?
I was thinking maybe hundreds.

They could still read it if they wanted to.

I knew what you meant.
I though maybe you wanted to adopt me or something.


Now that would give me a serious nightmare tonight


AW C'mon croft. That hurts.

You and I together would be legendry.
We'd travel around the countryside helping people their gardens.
Doing good deeds and getting drunk.

It would make a great TV show.


You mean "i" would do the dirty wirk while you'll flirting with the women.

No,thank you


I have no idea what you're talking about but you're probably right.


There are others?


My sentiments exactly!


But thankfully they can't see this
*wipes sweat off brow*
Do you think "the others" are a collective or is you know who the leader?

And is it essential to worship both the deities of L and A do you think? If so are both deities worshipped equally?


I wasn't sure what he meant when he said "can't"
That's why I asked if they were illiterate.

I'm assuming they are one and the one is them.
I think we both know the answer to the leader.

I think in general they are equal. (seeing how they're the same person)
I also think there may be an underground movement in which sub cultural battles
are happening that the outside world never knows of.

When I say the outside world I mean the REAL world!


I'm quite scared now.
Kinda like when you find a pet staring at you and you just know they're a bit pissed off but you don't know why. Only in this case it's the Croft collective and you know exactly why.

*whispers* disrespectin' of the ladies of Croft Manor and lack of worshipping and whatnots


Here I went and told him we should hang out together and have our own TV show!

Maybe he doesn't kill the bunnies.
Maybe he mutates them and uses them for people like us.

I'm now scared. I'll be right back I need to go lock my doors!


I suspect that somewhere in Croft manor a menage a trois with Laura and Angie has already taken place 😇



Could you imagine getting a cardboard cut that way!


I imagine Ms Jolie has some sharp edges!


She slices she dices.

A whole new meaning to glory hole!


That was a low blow,too low😊


Are you saying you've never dreamt of being sandwiched between those two?


One is enough,but two is a nightmare


Hmmm.. The Resident Raider!

Sounds like criminal tho'


More like The Evil Raider


Or The Resident Tomb.


Such a bad name for a script,you've lost your muse?


Starring Milla Camilla as Laura McSnorer!


What if Hannibal Lecter was Captain Kirk?

Would it still be a 5 year mission?
Who would he eat first?
Could he even digest Spock?


I think the first would be scotty


Scotty in his later years had the most meat on him.


I think the first would be a security guard.


Ah but then why don't we throw The Janitor from scrubs into the mix as Spock and Dr.Cox as Bones.


That's good.

Dr. Cox could go around calling Kirk, Janice or Nancy.

The Janitor and Spock would be a wash but at least Spock could have a twin brother!


I just realized who would play Uhura?
Could MM play her or would the hierarchy frown upon that?

Is she now a princess? I'm assuming there are rules for this.
Looks like I have some work to do.


I think she's now MW and there is no way on earth that she'll be an actress again.Her life belongs to us now bwa ha ha!
She is now the Duchess of Sussex and will be working for the Royals, touring factories and kissing sick babies that kind of thing.

I have to be honest she looked very beautiful on her wedding day, she'd make a lovely Uhura too.


You're right she is now MW. My apologies.
Please don't throw me in the moat!
A few lashes would be justified or some time in the rack perhaps.

The titles are quite elegant I'll give you that.
I'm also sure she'll still be acting. Especially during all the family get togethers!


What if Archie Bunker was the teacher in Dangerous Minds or Stand and Deliver?

What kind of homework would he give?
What about detentions?
Would there be any field trips?


This thread Dewey, it's basically just us and Croft and let's face it if you don't put Alice on the Enterprise he'll jump ship (see what I did there?).


I did see and as usual well done.

Looks like I'm the only one who does this.
Oh well, you win some and lose the rest.


My last thread had 0 replies and so you know my glory days are over. All I can hope for now is to ride your coattails


Which thread? Free speech worked out fairly well.

You've reached legend status you will always be at the top.
You shouldn't be on my coattails.
Looks like I'm sinking fast after this one. I hope you can swim!


I made one on The Big Bang Theory board, it's not quite tumbleweed on there but it's definitely slightly arrid. No takers 😥


Oh, that's right. There are other boards.

Well it is Big Bang Theory, just saying.

If nobody answers I'll even watch an episode and make a comment.
I'm sure you'd love that!


whoa. archie bunker in dangerous minds. i can't imagine him giving out detention or homework. field trips, maybe. i'm curious now haha


I don't know if it would be a comedy or a drama.


comedy. archie is always hilarious


He is funny but I don't think it would go over very well these days.


It wouldn't. You could only show it to a select few.


Maybe the Sunny crowd.
We could get Frank to be the principle.
Gail the snail could be a hall monitor.


Yes please! Can I go back to high school and have Frank Reynolds for a princpal?!?! That would be so awesome. RUM HAM FOR LUNCH EVERY DAY!


It would be perfect.
Gail would give Frank a handy in his office. (as long as she doesn't just mash it)

Rum ham and wine in a can for everybody!

I'd have to try the system.

Demonstrate Value
Engage Physically
Nurture Dependence
Neglect Emotionally
Inspire Hope
Separate Entirely


Hahaha, Frank would know the consequences and he would be okay with it.

AH, the system. I got a little emotional there, sorry. I'm a HUGE fan of the system. I love to see Dennis and the system in action.

I'm performing The Nightman Cometh every Friday around 2, by the way :)


The system is classic.
I love Mac coming in after Dennis is done and then Frank coming in after Mac.

I'll be there on Friday.
Hopefully you'll reserve me a seat. I'm sure it sells out very quickly.

Have you heard this?


sold out in minutes, every single show.

of course, reserved you the best seat in the house!

ohmygod, now that is pretty cool. thanks for showing me :D


I'm truly honored to be in the best seat.

That song is a must for every Sunny Fan!
Heard it 4 or 5 years ago.
Enjoy it.


Henry Blake taking over for Barney Miller - the crime rate would go through the roof


Now that's a good one.
I could actually see that happening.


Dirty Harry being Tim the Tool Man's neighbor Wilson.

Every time they would go the fence to talk Harry would blast a hole in it
so he wouldn't have to peek over the top.


Frank Burns replacing Mike Stivic. Archie would love Frank Burns. The perfect son in law.


Could you imagine.

No more meathead.
It would be replaced with ferret face.

What was on the toe tag that they put on Frank that one time?
Emotionally exhausted and ....

Something like that.
