What was the TV program you loved as a kid
That you are still a fan of today??
Muppet Babies
shareBlue Peter.
I'm kidding about still being a fan now but it is still going!
Also Scooby Dooby Doo
shareThe Twilight Zone. Yes, I was allowed to watch it.
Route 66. Didn't always get it, but I watched with my sisters because they liked the guys. At the time, I liked that car and I wanted them to take me along for the ride.
Today I still love both shows. In fact, I apprieciate them much more now that I'm older.
As for kiddie shows, I liked Rocky and Bullwinkle. I still like it. When you watch it now, you realize just how clever the writing was. Some of those jokes were meant for the adults!
Northern Exposure
shareBrady Bunch.