Movies That Were Hurt Because They Were Misperceived
If you walk into a restaurant expecting chicken and you're served steak, you probably won't be happy. So too with movies (or basically, anything else). We want to
have our expectations realized and satisfied; but sometimes the apparent form of a film doesn't match the substance of it. For example:
The Exorcist is not a horror film, though it has horrible elements. It is a film about Faith.
Soldier is not an action movie. It is a movie about personal growth, self-understanding and self-redemption.
2001: A Space Odyssey is not a science-fiction monster movie, HAL 9000 notwithstanding. It is a movie about the Prime Mover evolving humankind. And about wonderful music, a force as conducive to evolution as exists.
What examples do you have of films that "disappointed" because of audience expectations that were superficial?